Sunday, 14 April 2019


So last night I was watching the movie " Life" looking at the creature in it and thinking about the elements I liked and what bits I would change if I was making a monster like this.
Because it was in zero G it had a really cool fluid movement like an octopus in water, this then led me to thinking about what movie monsters I've seen which I wouldn't change at all, there's a few but the most notable would be H.R. Geigers creations like Sil from species, and all the aliens from the Alien franchise, except this ugly monstrosity, which I never liked
Now we will all have our favourites, and for lots of reasons, but it got me thinking, "What makes a cool Monster ? "
Is it our fear of the unknown, is it a primal reaction of I'd run away from that, or is it something more simple of wow I've never seen that before ?
For me it's the later, but has to look great and like it could function as well in it's environment.
So where am I going with this ? Well as you all know I make creatures, and I'm interested what makes a great monster  for everyone else, and I find the best information comes from discussion like we often have in the comments  section.
Now in the creatures you've seen me show for DM there are elements to each of the creatures which come from real life, like the Deathcoil Beast has elements of a snake, the Horned Hominid has elements of a gorilla and prehistoric Rhinoceros, is this necessary to be able  to identify with a model, or does a creature like the Recnac work where it has very little that is recognisable in the real world ?
 Look forward to discussing this with you all, so until next time HAVE FUN !
Cheers Dave


  1. What a intriguing article. I simply love that first photo, what IS that thing? What ever it is I want one in my games; its terrifying, yet at the same time strangely beautiful and flows with an integral yet awful symmetry all of its own.

    Like you, I was never comfortable with the Alien hybrid from "Alien 4" It seemed somehow to lack - hmmmm, believable integrity, perhaps?

    Horned Hominids are a personal favourite of the DM creations, with Exuviums a close second. Although (as massive supporters of the under dog) Stevie and myself are determined to try make humans redeemable, and turned from `space scum` into respected heroes of the galaxy. Okay, maybe that`s a bit of a tall order, but its fun trying anyway lol.
    1. The first picture is Calvin of Mars, from the film " Life ", great movie if you haven't seen it. It's movement is something to watch and it's evolution is interesting as well.
      The problem I had with the Hybrid was it just didn't fit or look evolved from either, just fat and odd.
      What about the two creatures is it that you like ?
      Good luck on the Revili ! LOL
    2. With the Exuviums it is that they remind me of the Selenites from the classic old film "First Man On The Moon"


      Where as Horned Hominids appeal to me because they look powerful, yet gentle at the same time (like all hot men should do, yet seldom are *grins* lol).
    3. similar to the Ovians from the original Battlestar Galactica, I actually started from insects and worked from there when I designed the Exuviums.
      Looks at Steve, looks at Horned Hominid, I see ! LOL
    4. *grins wildly and wickedly*
    5. Ooiii!! I look NOTHING like a Horned Hominid.


      I`m much more like a Ceratid anyway.
    6. More evolved hey mate ! LOL
    7. yep that`s me, evolved I am. that`s me. *beats chest and follows the trail of sweet wrappers to where Hils has left the axe to chop more fire logs*
  2. I wish you would make that miniature from the life film, it would look so cool in translucent resin.
    1. Could make something along those lines Luke, but not exactly the same because of copyrite, so watch this space while I see what I come up with
  3. Interesting post Dave. I`m with Luke on the translucent alien. A not-Calvin mini would be pretty darn cool wouldn`t it? I see that movie "Life" showing on Sky Movies later tonight, but not sure if we can get that channel or not, hmmmmm may check it out in a bit.
    1. If you can't get that channel, it will be on normal Sky Movies next Saturday, must admit to wanting a not Calvin myself
    2. Ooooh ta for that mate. Hils really wants to see it now as well. And as for a not Calvin, oh mate you just GOTTA ^^
    3. Will do, hope you both enjoy the movie
    4. UPDATE:

      saw Life on Sky movies the other night, really enjoyed it. Now I see the monster, I want a `not` Calvin more than ever lol.
  4. For me it is the space between shadow and consciousness. We see a shape that we recognise, but it might be attached to something obscure - think about those tails in Jacob's Ladder! H.R. Giger's work for Alien epitomises the perfect 'alien', part familiar, but truly terrifying.

    Visually, I always found Pinhead, from Hellraiser scary.
    1. I see Michael for you you like a familiar shape twisted into a darker form.
      Turns out with pinhead Doug Bradley made the part as the last movie had a different actor and it wasn't as good
  5. Interesting article, which poses a good question. Is a good monster one that is designed well, so that it looks like it could possibly exist or one that evokes fear? Or both? If I think back to my childhood and the things that scared me - we have the Robots of Death from Doctor Who and the Groke from the original Moomins animation - completely different, but both creepy in their own way.

    I think it depends on WHERE the monster comes from. If it's an alien or a interdimensional creature, i.e. it's supposed to exist in the real world, it should look like it. The creatures from "Avatar" are a good example, as is the alien from "Outlander", the creatures from "The Wall" and even the critters from the movie "Alone in the Dark".

    Whereas if it's a creature of the imagination or a from dreams, you can 'bend the laws of nature somewhat - Pan's Labyrinth for example, or 'nursery bogies' or anything from the Alice books.
    1. You raise some very interesting and valid points Jez, some great movie reference points that were very well done, another great film for nightmarish realisation was Dark Horizon.
  6. Stephen King gets it right. Human beings often make the most scary horrors of all. Humans who are slightly changed somehow.. facing way from you, until they slowly turn and show only the whites of their eyes, or blood pool sockets where eye balls should be (Event Horizon). Children with blood soaked hooks and knives instead of hands; and of course Zombies are a prime example of humans... i.e. `us` in an altered state. Or Vampires like in Thirty Days of Nights. Trouble is, its easier to imagine this in our mind`s eye when reading a book, or especially watching the TV screen alone at night: but its not always easy to portray this seance of deep driving horror in a human-esque. miniature.
    1. Good point Steve, I think a lot of this stems from people fearing returning to a primal state which society has long deemed unacceptable. or maybe it's a fear of releasing the beast within !

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