Sunday 14 April 2019


One of the displays I've wanted to upgrade since bringing it out was the Death Match demo board, now what we've created is a one off, but not to say I still don't have intentions of making a 3D arena for sale later, when demand is high enough.

The first shot shows the overall layout, we've made half the arena and two separate beast enclosures to make it easy for running demo games.

This next shot shows the false door which is the gladiators entrance in detail, have also fixed in the commentator

The above pictures show the beast enclosure doors closed and open, yes they do slide.

Here you can see the beast loading doors from inside the enclosure and from the rear of the enclosure.

This last shot is the main stairwell up to the seating area. Next I want to build some crowd models but that will have to wait until after Salute.
That's the lot for today, so until next time have fun !
Cheers Dave


  1. That looks stunning Dave :-)
    Terrific bit of modelling with some really neat details and the paint job finishes it off in fine style!
    I can well imagine it will draw plenty of attention at Salute and subsequent shows.
    1. Thank you Greg, it’s been a long time coming, very grateful to my dad for making the base construction as I was hard pressed for time
    2. I love it, Dave. If ever you do make them available for retail I will definitely buy one.
    3. Thank you Bryan, it actually helped with a couple of problems on the production one, so should be easier when we come to it.
  2. Wow! This is fantastic Dave, stunning work
    1. Thank you Andy, glad to finally have it done
  3. Lovely bit of work there Dave, if that doesn't draw in the punters I don't know what will!

    Cheers Roger.
    1. Thank you Roger, would like to have done the crowd to really make it stand out, but just don't have the time for this event
  4. Nice to see it in a finished state, Dave, as I do recall seeing it "under construction" when I visited. I suppose you could populate the stands with some of Jabba's retinue, just to make it even more eye-catching, but not sure if that would interfere with people being able to access the arena floor...
    1. Thank you Jez, this was actually a full new build from the one you saw, that one is still being worked on to be able to take a mould off for selling purposes.
      I have some of the nobles that will fit on the seats for now but aiming to make crowd models before the next scheduled event
  5. Putting me to shame. I am still at the base of this as a project and may have to start again.... grrr!
    1. Sorry about that Clint ! actually looking forward to seeing a different approach to the arena
    2. I shall continue when I get my self sorted out! (fingers crossed soon)
    3. Good to hear mate, any questions I’m happy to help
  6. Very snazzy, very cool looking. I might have to keep my eye on this to see whether you make a resin set for mass production, as I have so much Death Match and a ton of Trevanti miniatures and terrain already, it would be a shame to miss out on this arena (especially as I have a lot planned for July this year, and intend to cover this range fairly heavily in the other blog after my current projects mature a bit more).

    excellent stuff Dave.
    1. Thank you Steve, when the arena becomes available it will be in fibreglass, and will be available as a quarter section, to cover peoples needs and budgets, and can placed together to make a full circle

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