Continuing on with this huge project, I've managed to get a few more R2, R4, and R5 units painted, if I've found their designation I've put it under the picture.
Here's a group shot of all the droids I've got so far.
If your going to do a post about droids you should really have a Jawa as well, this one is the one seen fanning Jabba when R2 and C3PO arrive in the court room. It was made from the template one I showed a while back which I made.
Have also finished Yuzzum, this is a complete one off, as there is no way to take a mould with all the undercuts and straps.
Have also started doing some more stormtroopers and I've added shoulder pads to the basic ones to tie them in with the heavy ones. would really like some variation in poses, but I'm not ready to convert all these models ! Even I have limits ! LOL
That's the lot for this post, so until next time have fun !
Cheers Dave
R2 A5
R3 T2
R4 E1
R4 X2
R5 A2
R5 M2
Here's a group shot of all the droids I've got so far.
Can you spot the droid you were looking for ?
If your going to do a post about droids you should really have a Jawa as well, this one is the one seen fanning Jabba when R2 and C3PO arrive in the court room. It was made from the template one I showed a while back which I made.
Have also finished Yuzzum, this is a complete one off, as there is no way to take a mould with all the undercuts and straps.
Have also started doing some more stormtroopers and I've added shoulder pads to the basic ones to tie them in with the heavy ones. would really like some variation in poses, but I'm not ready to convert all these models ! Even I have limits ! LOL
That's the lot for this post, so until next time have fun !
Cheers Dave
I had no idea there were so many of them.
Cheers Roger.
Been thinking about the R3 droids as you say needs a clear dome, thought I might cast them up in translucent blue which would be the closest I can get to clear
Your spot on the R4, and R5 they were conversions on the R2, currently working on 5 scratch build droids at the moment, don't know how long it will be until I show them, as I need to do some proper work as well