Yo may remember the staircases I made for my client before Christmas, and he thought it would be cool to have another level for them to butt up to. I wanted to add a bit of interest to some of the sides, but I did the first one as just a plain wall.
Next I did a recessed alcove with a jade dragon vase on a plinth, this could be entrance to a secret passage way, or just the remains of a loved one.
The next side I did was a simple doorway, which could lead to another room or maybe to a dungeon, you can also see that I did marble flooring on the second level.
The last side I thought an indoor water feature with a gargoyle face, would be fun.
The last piece i have to show for my client is a sculpted and painted dragon banner top, my client already had the banner and pole, I just added the top, and below is the reference he sent me to base it off of.
That's all for today, hopefully the next post will be some of my own PWYG entrances, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !
Cheers Dave