Monday, 20 January 2025


 Yo may remember the staircases I made for my client before Christmas, and he thought it would be cool to have another level for them to butt up to. I wanted to add a bit of interest to some of the sides, but I did the first one as just a plain wall.

Next I did a recessed alcove with a jade dragon vase on a plinth, this could be entrance to a secret passage way, or just the remains of a loved one.

The next side I did was a simple doorway, which could lead to another room or maybe to a dungeon, you can also see that I did marble flooring on the second level.

The last side I thought an indoor water feature with a gargoyle face, would be fun.

The last piece i have to show for my client is a sculpted and painted dragon banner top, my client already had the banner and pole, I just added the top, and below is the reference he sent me to base it off of.

That's all for today, hopefully the next post will be some of my own PWYG entrances, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 17 January 2025


 The Alchemist Destevano wasn't a man of renown, in fact most of his clients were of a more seedy nature rather than upstanding, but it kept him in business. A lot of the time his payment was a share from a job, and would come in many forms not just gold or precious gems. One such share provided him a scroll which he found most intriguing, it detailed a way of turning lead into Gold. A lot of the materials needed were easily available, even to a man of his meagre standing, but there were two elements, that he needed help with, the first was a large rainbow Diamond, the only one he knew of the right size belonged to the local magistrate, his alliances with the local thugs and thieves paid off here, and they procured the needed diamond for him, while they kept the rest of the loot. The next element was a large supply of human bone, as the transformation needed the calcium to catalyse the  change in the lead, luckily he knew the local grave robbers, so a quick bribe later, and he had an endless supply. 

His first batch didn't completely work, as the beams from the Rainbow Diamond weren't focused enough on the pot, and a lot were lost in the room, he developed up a set of focusing plates made from Copper, to keep as much of the rays in the area needed, and now got a full pot of gold every time. He would need to be careful how he spent the new found wealth, not to draw attention to himself, from the local wealthy, as they would not appreciate his new standing.

This was a commission for my client, the basic idea was based off of the machine seen in the movie Hudson Hawk, but simplified down, to make it easier to build, and less fragile. The reason for the two pictures was to show all the detail before the plates were added, and I thought a little story would add to the background. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave

Monday, 13 January 2025


 I know the title is pretty vague, but it's exactly what I've done. This is another commission for my client, and it's an entrance way for the vampire's lair, so it needed to be Gothic in style, plus covered in snow.

As you can see above I've made some steps for the internal of the building, these are removable so you can get the front of the building right to the edge of the board. The Demonic Gargoyle I've moulded and cast, so expect to see that on the website soon, I did break one of the horns off on purpose to add variation to the two sides.

If you remember I recently did some paintings on wall sections, my client thought it would be cool to have some blank sections that he could place inbetween the portrait sections, I've done 4 the same size, and 4 double the width so he can vary the positioning in the corridor.

My client asked if I could add some snow to the trees I did the bases for, so I happily obliged.( if you are thinking of doing this on some of your own trees, try to use ones with stiffer branches, as it's easier to apply the glue)

He also asked if I could add some snow to the small cart base as well.

That's all for today, more commission stuff coming, but I may get a piece of mine finished first, we'll just have to see, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday, 9 January 2025


 Carrying on with my clients commission, has given me a wide scope of pieces to work on, first is a prison wagon, which was a 3D print.

Next is a barrel on a wagon, which is also a 3D print.

Next more barrels, that are also 3D prints.

More 3D prints with these candelabra, but I made the flagstone bases.

Something you don't see often is 3D printed lumber, some in blocks and some individual pieces as well.

Here is another tree that I've based for my client

Something a bit more interesting are these four Cobra's, which are also 3D prints.

To finish off we have a 3D print crocodile.

That's all for today, more commission stuff to come, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 6 January 2025


 Or should that read slow day ! LOL We had roughly two inches of snow on Saturday, but 24 hours later it was all gone due to the rain, so not too much disruption. Haven't got anything more done for my challenge as I am busy sorting orders and working on commission stuff, first of which are these three Woolly Rhino, it seams to be a family group, to me, have to say that the 3D printed fur didn't lend itself to drybrushing, so had to paint the strands individually.

Next is a very simple basing exercise, of adding larger more stable bases to some bottle brush fir trees, client wanted snow bases for these.

Last today is a treasure hoard, the print on the money was quite shallow, so had to paint where I thought the coins would be.

Still got a lot more to do for this commission, and several scratchbuilds to finish as well, so expect to see more from this in the future, hopefully I can fit in some of my stuff as well, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 30 December 2024


 One of the things my eldest daughter is always on the look out for me, is models that would be great as civilians to populate either Mos Eisley, or Mos Espa, as that is my ultimate goal to be playing in those realms, and this year she found some excellent ones. The first is a model of Duchess Satine, originally seen in the Clone Wars animated series, but I could use it as a noble woman.

Next is the young Princess Leia with her droid Lola, as seen in the series Obi Wan Kenobi, but I can use her as a child playing in the streets.

Last today is a Nautolan, which is the same species as Kit Fisto who was a Jedi as seen in Episodes 1,2 and 3 and multiple episodes of Clone Wars.

That's all for today, hopefully many more posts to come in 2025, and I'd like to wish you all a happy New Year, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 23 December 2024


 On one of my recent posts John mentioned the Incinerator Trooper seen in season 1 of the Mandalorian, now so far I haven't managed to get a model of this trooper, but I am on the look out for one, and the mortar crew seen in season 2, but I did have another Dewback, which has a flamer option, which I thought would do to paint the colour scheme.

After taking the photos I realised I haven't actually done the weathering on the Stormtrooper, so he will need a touch up before moving to the Imperial Shelf ! LOL

Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave