Saturday 1 July 2023


 For my next adventurer I wanted a demolition expert, someone who was great with explosives, and pretty good in combat to, with a small gun compared to Bob's, so I came up with the race Ursaxom, she has naturally formed protective plating over her lower legs and forearms, also her chest, which is hidden by her outfit, other parts of her body are covered with fur, for the gun I went with a shoulder mounted blaster, leaving her hands free for the important tasks, ripping peoples arms off, setting explosives, here is the green I have built.

Some may say she doesn't really look female, personally I'm not about to try and check her plumbing, as she looks like she would rip me apart ! LOL Haven't decided on a colour scheme for her yet, but I have a bit of time while I get the master moulded, also need to come up with a name, so if you have a suggestion please leave in the comments. Next post will hopefully be my first entry for S.O.S. which there is still loads of time to join in if you want, as we already have 8 participants, oh and me ! LOL Until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wow! She's terrifying, Dave, and quite rightly you'd be very wise not to "check her plumbing", LOL!!!

    1. Thank you Simon, I thought discretion was the better part of valour, and a gentleman should never disbelieve a lady ! LOL

  2. Well the model is great. Looks like some of the Pompey birds you'd run away from in the 1980's

    1. Thank you Phil, sorry being a bit slow, do mean ladies of Portsmouth ? LOL

  3. Impressive figure, sure it's better to be on its side, would be afraid to be its ennemy!

    1. Thank you Phil, I'm having a lot of fun creating this group, and really letting my imagination go wild, and I concur completely ! LOL

  4. Lol. I love it. You’re just like “think I’ll just make a whole new miniature “ and poof! There it is. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, the ideas have been ruminating for a while now, ever since Matt, made his band the Muppets, and enjoying reading their adventures, recently the ideas really started to come together, and it has had a constant knock on effect, I've already got another 3 well on in development ! LOL

  5. Great sculpt mate, she reminds me of an organic version of the awesome "Mongrol" sculpt you did a few years back.

    Oh and as I said over on my blog the other day, put me down for "SOS".

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, I can see that resemblance, and both have a similar pose, also similar to one of the Clawed Fiends I did, only subtle differences in the pose, hopefully I can show some new poses with a couple of the ones I'm working on at the moment.
      Already got your file set up with the others mate.

  6. Fantastic work, Dave, she looks incredible. I can't think of a name for her off the top of my head but I'd be more concerned about running away from her than introducing myself LOL! Looking forward to seeing her painted up.

    1. Thank you Matt, she does look a little scary, but is a big softie at heart, but wouldn't admit that to anyone ! LOL I wouldn't imagine her being the quickest runner, so as long as you had a headstart you should be fine ! LOL still deciding on colours at the moment.

  7. Brilliant molding there. I am curious though, what was the inspiration for the name of their race? Looking forward to the painted model.

    1. Thank you Luciano, for the name I looked up the Latin for rock, and bear and then mixed the words around to make something new, I will also use Zwahili sometimes as well. The reason behind the rock bear, as that is what Yeti means in Tibetan.

  8. Not the sort of thing yo'd like to be faced with in a dark ally (or even a lit one for that matter), the sculpting detailing is excelent and the whole thing will e brought to life with your chocies of colours.

    1. Thank you Joe, she's a big softie really, just looks scary ! LOL Think I've finally settled on a colour scheme for her, so hopefully I can get her cast up soon.

  9. Looks like a sci-fi version of a dnd Owl Bear from here, which means she's super cool, cos Owl Bears are one of my fav DnD critters.

    As for a name - such a cutie should have a sweet name like, "Candy" I think.

    1. Thank you Dai, I can see the resemblance, and Owlbears are very cool indeed, did like the one in the recent D&D movie. Sounds like a great name, so she is now Candy.

  10. Very interesting creature! I could use a demolitions expert/arm ripper in Stargrave, lol! I'm not sure on the name, Ohlsana? I think I'd try to paint her in blue fur. If nothing else, you will get a thumbs up from John for using blue! Haha!

    1. Thank you Brian, all of these characters I'm doing will be available on my website if you are in need ! LOL Did think of blue, but would be too much like the Clawed Fiends I did this year, so thinking of some natural tones at the moment.

  11. Now that is a fearsome looking beast! I really like how you combined different qualities from wildlife in a single sculpt. I'll be very curious to see this one painted up (which I'm pretty sure I said about all of them but I really mean it with this one!).

  12. Thank you Jeff, for me the freedom of sculpting aliens is enjoyable, as no one can tell you their wrong ! LOL the trick is making it look believable, so combining elements that are recognisable is the easiest way, I think I've got the colours I want to locked down now, but the model will tell me when I start adding paint ! LOL

  13. John@justneedsvarnish9 July 2023 at 05:04

    I'm playing catch-up again Dave! This is a brilliant mini! :-) As far as names go I'm reckoning something with no vowels and an above average complement of "k", "r" and "z"!

    1. Thank you John, no worries mate, there are only so many hours in the day ! LOL She was a fun one to build and an interesting suggestion on the name.
