Saturday 22 July 2023


 While I plug away at finishing my Star Wars scenery piece, I've decided to try and get some more of my Night Hawk Landspeeders finished, todays one is my second Tsunami one.

But Gw don't do a Tsunami Landspeeder Dave, and you'd be right these are of my own invention, this one I've armed with twin Plasma Cannons, as I look as their role as Tank hunters or bunker busters. To denote this one as Sargant of the squadron, I added a skull to the imperial eagle, and painted it red. Below is a picture of it with the first one I did.

Like the two speeding past the trees, it would be a cool scene for a sci-fi movie ! LOL That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. John@justneedsvarnish22 July 2023 at 08:14

    Very nice Dave! :-) They both look good together, particularly flying low past your new woods!

    1. Thank you John, I do like these, and something a bit different from the normal Landspeeder, and who doesn't like a scenic shot ! LOL

  2. Some stunning freehand on those Night Hawk Landspeeders, Dave. Terrific attention to detail.

    1. Thank you Simon, pretty practised at them now ! LOL unfortunately the old Tornado's tail fins are a lot smaller so may be difficult to do on them, we'll have to see.

  3. Great looking landspeeders!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, these make a nice change from painting the standard ones ! LOL

  4. nice looking land speeder. Cool that you just made it up. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, as it's a made up universe, thought it would be okay for my home games to make up my own stuff as well.

  5. Nice job, totally thought they were official old school sculpts so you could have fooled me.

    1. Thank you SD, it's probably why I used to score zero on conversions when I used to go to tournaments, as even the GW guys couldn't see them ! LOL

  6. Red Skull makes him faster too no doubt. Makes sense to me.

    Nice addition mate.

    1. Thank you Dai, indeed red ones go faster ! LOL Though I don't think the Imperium follows that train of thought ! LOL

  7. Another good model, variatio, giving you another unique model; the two look excellent on their bases 'flying' over a familiar looking wood.

    1. Thank you Joe, I do like this design, similar to Forgeworld's Tempest, but unique in it's own way.

  8. I really like seeing the two speeders in a cinematic photo. You can almost imagine them zooming along. I never enjoyed working on speeders when I made my only real attempt at playing 40k many years ago but you've done a great job with these and maybe one day I should give them another try!

    1. Thank you Jeff, thought a cinematic shot was due, especially as the woods were already there ! LOL Speeders were always a tricky one to paint, with all the angles and bits on them, it was only once I got how I wanted to achieve my colour scheme right, that I started enjoying painting them. I've got some MK II I'm working on at the moment for some real nostalgia ! LOL

  9. Very very cool Dave, love the way you painted these.

    1. Thank you Mark, took a while to get the colours I wanted, looking the way I wanted, but a easy recipe to replicate now.

  10. Awesome looking Landspeers here, Dave. I know that FW did a similar one for awhile (I have one or two of them myself, somewhere!) and I really do prefer the closed cockpit look that you've built in to these ones.

    1. Thank you Azazel, yes the Tempest, I've got one, but would like another two, these were inspired by that model, had started this before it came out, but then looked at theirs to solve a few problems I was having.
