Tuesday 25 July 2023


 Well the last few days have been a bit hectic, with real life issues so no new scenery finished or vehicles, but luckily my next adventurer only needed a 10 minute session to finish her off. Species name I've gone for Mantalid, and is going to be my ships medic, as you really need one of those if your crew has a chance of surviving. I've put lots of pouches for medical supplies on her, and also given her a blaster in a holster for range attacks, for close combat I think her rending claws should do the trick ! LOL 

As you can see she is a total green, no other materials used other than the wire frame to start with, and a piece of plasticard to start the basis of her medical scanner. This now makes 5 members of the crew, I've already started a Cyborg, and I've an idea for a sniper, just need to come up with 3 more crew, any ideas what else I should include ? That's all for this small post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. I think I'd rather suffer in pain than have that terrifying multi-limbed abomination approach me, Dave, LOL!!! Excellent sculpting, which really captures all the insectoid aspects I'd imagine in an alien species entitled Mantalid. I'm looking forward to seeing it painted. :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, she does look a little fearsome ! LOL I guess we should never judge a book by it's cover ! LOL I had found an interesting flower preying Mantis colour scheme, but will probably go with the more traditional green colouration, when I paint her.

  2. Hope she'll get a nice earthy tan/brown scheme when you paint her to help those Medical pouches and webbing stand out more, assuming they'll be painted clinical white, or at least light colours?

    Suggestions for crew members? How about ship's sergeant at arms - some sort of orca looking meathead, tho no a thug instead wise and weary - I'd call him Lofus. A 1st and 2nd Leiutenant pair, siblings, twins even - warthog inspired type beings, named Wys and Doox?

    1. Thank you Dai, so many great suggestions on colour, I'm now undecided ! LOL Maybe I'll try and incorporate aspects of all of them .
      That is some great suggestions, I'll have a play with those, as I like the sound of them.

    2. Why not? I think being an alien, she could indeed include all of the cool suggestions here in one format or another.

      I once managed to catch a Mantis about 20 years ago at an old job site. Just a plain old green one, but he/she/it was cool looking and I had a goldfish bowl to stick it in so I could have my own Mantis pet which I thought would be super cool. Poor thing was not meant to be a "pet" though and once placed inside the bowl, proceeded repeatedly and rapidly fly at the side of the bowl until it had headbutted itself to death. :( Lesson learned.

    3. Indeed being alien it could be all of the suggestions.
      When I used to keep lizards you had to be careful, that you had no more than two sides open glass, so if they got scared they didn't try running into the sides, as they can't see glass either, but I've seen a few humans try walking through glass doors as well ! LOL

  3. Very cool! You could go for a white praying mantis scheme, it does appear in nature and would fit the medic theme pretty nicely.

    1. Thank you SD, the reference picture I had to build from was of the flowering kind which was predominately white, think I'm going to try to include all the great suggestions.

  4. That;s the sort of model I'd be continually knocking over in play!Great piece in any event and I'm really looking forward to seeing you colour choice when you paint it.

    1. Thank you Joe, the model is well balanced, so I'll just have to remember to watch for the claw ! LOL (my memory is terrible ! LOL)

  5. Oh, that's quite a difficult sculpt! I'm always amazed by your skills on this. Keep them coming!

    1. Thank you Suber, i quite enjoy messing with insect anatomy, keeping the basic physiology, but then twisting it enough to make it alien, but still recognisable.

  6. Definitely looks like a mantis. Those bugs always creep me out. So did the miniature. So nice job! 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, always found them fascinating, but can fully understand how they could be creepy, hope I haven't caused any nightmares ! LOL

  7. Excellent sculpting, very believable!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, if it's believable, then i have achieved my goal ! LOL

  8. John@justneedsvarnish28 July 2023 at 13:51

    I thought I'd already commented but obviously not! This is a brilliant mini, Dave! Very nice! :-)

    1. Thank you John, Blogger has been a bit temperamental recently, I thought it would be funny to have a medic who was always looking for it's next snack ! LOL

  9. Excellent work on this latest Sci-Fi sculpt, Dave. Using a mantis is a great idea and is an excellent addition to what you've already done. I'm looking forward to seeing how you paint the medic up!

    1. Thank you Jeff, really want a varied group, so an insect form was the next step, hope I can find a way to include all the great suggestions I have been given, and that my painting is up to it.

  10. Yet again I'm in absolute awe of your sculpting skills, Dave! It's an amazingly imaginative mini and a bit on the terrifying side :-)

    1. Thank you Matt, I thought it would be a fun play on never judge a book by it's cover, being scary looking, but the one that can help you ! LOL

  11. Still not keen on that check-up! - though I do understand that it's not easy being green....

    1. Thank you Azazel, she's such a sweet caring Doc, she promises to be gentle ! LOL
