Thursday 13 July 2023


 As in no scenery in todays post, as the second set of GW wood has been driving me nuts, so I had a break and painted Ceri, my Sepiipoda Tech, Iy was a quick model to paint, managed it in a day, and was lots of fun trying to use the reference colours.

Below is the reference pictures, so you can see what I was aiming for.

Below you can see Ceri with Bob, as the team starts to build, I'm going for a real all shapes and sizes theme, as you will see as the group expands.

That's all for this post so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Call me biased, Dave, but thanks for giving Ceri a Welsh name :-) She looks great, such an inventive sculpt and you've captured the bright colours really well. Lovely work, sir!

    1. Thank you Matt, glad you like her, she was challenging and fun to paint, but I wouldn't want to do a whole army in this scheme ! LOL hoping to do the whole group based of of nature schemes, but we will see.

  2. Ceri looks so cool, Dave, as you've captured the octopus colours really well. The scales especially show some painting patience I certainly don't have. LOL!!!

    1. Thank you Simon, the mottled patern was actually quicker than all the colours in her face tentacles ! LOL But I am pleased with the overall effect on her.

  3. I think you pulled off the sea creature look pretty well. Nice job. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, that's the trick make it believable but still alien ! LOL

  4. That's such a crazy looking octopus. So weird how vibrant colors can be in the wild, though I imagine there might be some photo editing too. Nice job on the mini though and I think you matched those colors well! I forgot if you were painting these up for a specific game. If so, which one?

    1. Thank you Brian, nature is so full of vibrancy it needs no filters ! LOL most species of octopi can change colour to blend into there background, but some species can really put on a show with the colours they can turn. They are going to be for my own gaming system, but work like Matt's Muppets going through different missions together.

  5. Cuttlefish can look so beautiful in certain lighting. Ceri (I went to school with a couple girls called Ceri when I was in Cenarth primary School..... 37 or so years ago. No idea why I remember that...) is very cool and I like how you yet again show inspiration from nature's examples to apply schemes to your creations.

    1. Thank you Dai, they are mesmerising, which is how they catch fish, would love an aquarium with some, but way too expensive. It's funny what we remember, with no idea why ! LOL Nature is full of inspiration, and gives me an endless resource ! LOL

  6. Epic color choices and well executed Dave!

    1. Thank you Mark, always good to keep pushing and trying new things, it's the only way I learn ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish14 July 2023 at 13:21

    Brilliant painting Dave! Captured the look perfectly! :-) I think the octopus is a fascinating creature - I could watch them for hours!

    1. Thank you John, wasn't sure it would translate, as they were ambitious colour schemes. Would love an octopus, as I could watch them for hours, but you need a tank that's Houdini proof ! LOL

  8. I think you pretty much nailed the look there, Dave. Its nice to see bright colors on a miniature like this and I like the textures you added with your paintbrush too. This is a tour de force from the sculpting to the painting, I'd say!

    1. Thank you Jeff, several times I thought it wasn't going to work, so glad it translated in the end, I'll just keep pushig and trying new things, and see what we end up with.

  9. Bravo! Oh, not only the sculpt, but the paintjob is quite something! Fantastic job!

    1. Thank you Suber, that is high praise indeed with all the awesome colour schemes you've done on your aliens.

  10. What a delightful paint -job and choice of colours, very fitting fror such an alien critter.

    1. Thank you Joe, did wonder if I was trying to put too many colours into one model, but glad it worked out in the end.
