Sunday 16 July 2023



For the second of the two GW woods I had I wanted a darker tone to the whole piece so came up with this

I used darker flocks on the base, darker colours on the trees foliage, rocks and even added some green glaze to the rocks and fallen tree branches, the flock I used is for marshland, just to help create two wood that had a different feel to them, even though they are the same model. While doing this set I found that the red contrast paint, covers yellow completely, hence I then had to drybrush orange and yellow over the leaves instead of the quick version last time, plus I kept knocking the leaves off again ! LOL I have another wood which has been made from various bits, but I want to tie it to these two pieces, so we'll see how that goes, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. hooray for spooky trees!
    looks like a nice autumn forest in a place I would never want to go..bc probably cursed. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, most forests look spooky in the dark ! LOL I thought the darker one might be diseased, but cursed will work as well ! LOL

  2. Like Stew said - definitely a cursed woods. Stay well clear, cos, brownies and grumpkins and stuff.

    They looks really good together mate

    1. Thank you Dai, so you mean generally filled with things that go bump in the night ! LOL Thought the two colours would make it easy for recognition.

  3. Once again you've really captured the autumnal look, Dave! Are the leaves stuck on, or are they part of the molded tree? I'm just wondering how you keep knocking them off :-)

    1. Thank you Matt, the leaves are stuck on, unfortunately the branches are weak that they are stuck to, and keep snapping, I evently solved the problem by running a pin through each one as the broke.

  4. John@justneedsvarnish17 July 2023 at 07:05

    Nicely done Dave! :-) The two woods complement each other well I think! Although I've not yet posted anything (no pictures taken) my first tree project is complete and I've now moved on to a different tree project!

    1. Thank you John, I wanted them to compliment but be easily identifiable so it sounds like I fit the brief. Look forward to seeing what you've been working on, as I've got a third wood as well, but cobbled together from bits so hope it will fit in with these two.

  5. The two woods compliment well together, any plans to use the newer citadel wyldwoods to add to the mix?

    1. Thank you SD, no plans to include the Wyldwoods as it stands, and if I hadn't been given these as presents, I probably wouldn't have had these, but I wont say never ! LOL Between what I have from other manufacturers and what my company produces, I have more than enough alien fauna to cover a board.

  6. The autmn foliage looks much better on these trees than the previous ones, but delicate models would never make it onto my table.

    1. Thank you Joe, I to like the darker tone, and the next set, is somewhere between the two. As each piece got knocked off, I've reinforced with metal pins, so should hopefully be a lot stronger now ! LOL

  7. Nice job, Dave. I agree with the others on how well these complement the first set of trees. They could easily be used together or individually as they both have that Autumn feel to them.

    1. Thank you Brian, wanted them to tie together, but easily be recognisable as well, so from all the comments, goal achieved ! LOL

  8. I think it was a great idea to go with some darker leaves here. These fit in well with the previous ones but also stand on their own nicely too. In some ways, these trees remind me of the scene in the second Hobbit movie where Bilbo climbs a tree in Mirkwood. It isn't the most amazing or interesting scene but the trees had some visual similarities to the ones you just finished.

    1. Thank you Jeff, I remember that scene well, and the colours are very similar, as are the twisted trees to Mirkwood, maybe they need a spiders web in them ! LOL Think I'll save that for a nest I have planned.
