Friday 28 July 2023


 Apparently in the Star Wars universe that doesn't narrow it down, but for me I mean Tatooine, there are many bits of scenery I would like for this planet, but first today I have a couple of Tusken Raider huts, this increases my number to 3 for the moment, but I will probably do more later on so I can have a big encampment for them, so why suddenly do these, well my daughter ordered me some more Tusken's as a thank you, so thought it would be a good idea to work on their scenery in readiness for them to arrive.

Now this isn't the big scenery piece for Star Wars I mentioned in a previous post, any long standing followers may recall a few Christmas's ago my wife got me the old Palitoy Rebel Transporter to recreate this scene.

When we last left this project I'd got this far, as it was missing the front and rear hatches I'd built them to more the shape in the film, with fibreglass and filler.

The next stage was to build the tail section up, the first stage to get the shape I used dense foam, to get all the relevant shapes in it. I used three pieces, the central piece was 20 mm thickness and the two sides were 10 mm thickness.

Next I wanted to get the panel lines in, for this I used 0.5 mm thickness Plasticard, as it is easier to bend, once I had cut all the relevant pieces, I glued them on the straight edge with no more nails and left to dry hard.

To achieve the top bend I needed a way to hold them in place while the glue set hard, I did this with paper clips pushed into the foam. Lesson learned here was don't put the clips in straight as the card can push past, but put them in at a 45 degree angle.

That's as far as I've got so far, now need to start tidying it all up, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Replies
    1. He says that to everyone.

    2. Yes. I've deleted the last few on mine.

    3. As they say in the film Kingsman Stewart, manners maketh man ! LOL

  2. The spam comments here are worrisome. :/

    Nice to see this project get some more love. Looking forward to seeing the next installment.

    1. Thank you Dai, unfortunately it's the way the world is now ! LOL
      Glad I can finally get back to it, and hopefully get the exterior finished this year, then work out what I want to do for the interior ! LOL

  3. John@justneedsvarnish28 July 2023 at 13:57

    Nice work on the Tusken dwellings Dave! :-) The freighter looks like a good project as well so I'll enjoy following its progress!

    1. Thank you John, I might need to make a larger tent for the leader, or store/captive holding area, but the rest of the camp will be more of these ones. It's been good to dig the freighter back out, and start progressing on it again.

  4. The freighter is going to be amazing when finished. The Tusken tents look fantastic as well. I'm convinced you're actually secretly creating some kind of Star Wars Miniatures Museum over there. Maybe at the behest of George Lucas! Its the only way I can reconcile how many cool Star Wars minis and scenery you own :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, eventually I'd like a 6' x 4' board of Mos Eisley, or Mos Espa full of buildings, but I'd also like the Imperial garrison as well, might need to sort out the storage before I start that one ! LOL Still waiting for a call from John, Dave or George, saying they'd like my help ! LOL

  5. I’ve forgotten all about that thing. It’s gonna be so cool.

    1. Thank you Stewart, when I started this project I was working in the front room, when everything got moved into my new room, it got burried under a load of stuff and ended up being forgotten, until I unearthed it the other week, so hopefully it will get finished now ! LOL

  6. The transporter looks great Dave, the effort you're putting in is really going to pay off in terms of realism. I love the Tusken tents as well, although when I saw the the top of the photo I thought it was some kind of Sarlacc baby LOL!

    1. Thank you Matt, there's a few places that wont be accurate to the reference picture, but will hopefully give a good representation in the end. They do look like teeth opening up, don't they ! LOL From the reference pictures it looks like either tusks or bones grouped together to make the basis of the structure, then ca form of mud to make the panels.

  7. Are those not-Tusken Raider tents going to be sold at some point, Dave..? Great work on the Rebel ship. I spotted one at a convention I was selling my books at the other day, and immediately thought of you and your project.

    1. Thank you Simon, they've been on the website since I showed the first one, you can find them here I've had them at multiple shows, when I was still attending them as well, I believe Michael Awdry even picked some up at a Salute one year. Did you think I wonder if he will ever get back on it ? LOL I'm determined to try and get it finished this year, and hopefully during the challenge ! LOL

  8. Nice huts, the freighter is going to be ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I've been producing the huts for a while, but had only painted one for myself, so wanted to add a few more. I'm hoping I can get it finished before the end of the challenge, but we'll have to see on that one ! LOL

  9. That is definetely one heck of a build.

    1. Thank you Joe, I should really learn to make smaller projects ! LOL

  10. Those huts look pretty sweet. I'm surprised that you haven't already cast and painted a village for yourself! :)

    1. Thank you Azazel, you know how it is mate, so many ideas, so little time ! LOL Think I've recently cast up enough of this size tent, but need to work on a bigger one as well.
