Saturday 2 September 2023


 Time for a little blunt force trauma today with Dai's other suggestion, warthog inspired creatures, a pair of brothers, the only thing I've changed is their role, and I've made them mechanics. I've armed them with matching blasters, and heavy work tools, the first one is Wys, and he's carrying a very big wrench, which he would also use as a combat weapon.

Next we have Doox, and he's got a rather large lump hammer, as we all know when fixing things, if all else fails hit it with a hammer, wont necessarily fix it, but you feel better afterwards ! LOL

I thought Gunbot might need some air support, so then made this Gun Drone, as you can see, it can hover, but also has four jets, to propel it quickly.

I suppose the only thing left is they need a dropship, to get them to their adventure's or get them out when things go wrong, so will start working on that, while I work out what colours to paint my challenge Ogre, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. These have been a great series of posts, and some great miniatures as well, sorry not to have commented on each one, but the are all great, hard to pick a favourite, in fact I can't 😁

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, they've been a lot of fun to do, no worries I know you've been busy, and can only comment on here when you have the computer turned on, I couldn't pick a favourite either ! LOL

  2. Challenge ogres are up!

    1. Thank you Mark, for some reason your post hasn't come up in my blog feed, hopefully it's just a glitch and not broken ! LOL

    2. I saw that it showed up as being on Aug 25th! Wordpress had a glitch and I ended up with a problem on a previous blog - who knows. At least now you've seen it and can add to the group. Again, great sculpt!

    3. Thank you Mark, blogger and wordpress, don't like talking to each other at the best of times ! LOL Enjoyed doing all these sculpts, especially getting them finished ! LOL

  3. A wonderful pair of "mechanics" (ahem), your sculpting is as good as ever, but the hooves on these two really did it for me,
    The drone reminds me of a toy I had as a child which you shot into the air by a catapult ! Good model to btw.

    1. Thank you Joe, didn't want to do normal feet, so thought the hooves was the right way to go. Glad I could bring back some fun memories, sounds like a great toy, I'm having fun painting it.

  4. There's more awesomeness in just one post of this blog than in half the internet. Genius ideas and execution!

    1. Thank you Suber, that is high praise indeed, do you mean other social media platforms, and not bloggers, as many others put out greater content than me ! LOL

  5. Dude, the first thing I do when trying to fix something is smack it with a hammer….

    Great job on all the sculpting. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, the Orky school of fixing I see ! LOL Glad you like the sculpts.

  6. Great looking pair of mechanics and nice drone!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I liked Dai's suggestion for their role, but realised I had no mechs to keep their ship flying ! LOL Almost got the first drone painted already, but want a second ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish6 September 2023 at 10:16

    Dave, shame on you for not making the gunbot's wings out of greenstuff! :-) Just kidding, these all look really good!

    1. Thank you John, I do occasionally use plasticard ! LOL The dropship I'm going to build will be a lot of plasticard, just hope I can get the details right.

  8. Doox and Wys are excellent! Great pair of warthog-esque aliens. Looking forward to the painted versions!

    1. Thank you Dai, me too it should help highlight all the different components, which can be lost in the green ! LOL

  9. A Warthog-based alien that likes a good scrap is an excellent idea. Both of these turned out great and I look forward to seeing them painted up!

    1. Thank you Jeff, the credit for the idea goes to Dai, I just added to the idea, hoping the colour schem will work well, as there is a lot of grey at the moment, but is early days ! LOL

  10. Those two Ugnaughts have really let themselves go! They actually really remind me of one of the early Citadel Beastmen - the boar-man one. The drone WIP looks very cool as well, especially now that we've seen how well it finished!

    1. Thank you Azazael, LOL I actually realised there is a similar character on the pirate ship in The Mandalorian season 3, was pleased with the end result of the drone.
