Sunday 17 September 2023


 As the title may suggest I have now finished my group of adventurer's and here is a group shot of them all together.

From above you will see, I have finished the second Gunbot.

And second Gun Drone.

Junk is now painted, I had to adjust his shoulder pad at the end as I realised I hadn't included any red in his colour scheme, and gave him an ace of spades symbol.

Next is Wys, I've added a little blood to his wrench to show he uses it for a little blunt force trauma.

I did the same on Doox's hammer, and both had a mottled skin tone done, and dirtied up overalls.

With all the characters and drones now finished, I need to start they're landing craft, got a few ideas, and will hopefully have something to show for that soon. That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave


  1. they look great all together. Now all the they need is a movie franchise like the Guardians.

    1. Thank you Stewart, sounds like a great idea, and I'm open to negotiations ! LOL In the mean time I'll just have to run them through some games of my own.

  2. Bravo! Absolutely impressive, I have to say. Go play a campaign with them!!

    1. Thank you Suber, I was surprised how quick this project came together ! LOL Got the first couple of scenarios worked out, and working on some follow on ones as well.

  3. Terrific gang of scum, Dave. LOL!! You should have a lot of fun with all the different skills this team brings to the tabletop. Are you planning on doing some BatReps or AARs of their adventures once you start playing..?

    1. Thank you Simon, their diverse set of skills should hopefully mean they don't die too quickly ! LOL If they do I guess I'll have to recruit new members to the team. Hoping to do at least one batrep a month with them, so will become a regular feature on the blog.

  4. Now THAT is a sci-fi crew! So cool Dave, bloody well done.

    Looking forward to reading posts involving this lot during their adventures. Sad though as I know I'll get too invested and will be pissed if team members die.

    1. Thank you Dai, certainly different from what you would see on TV or film, but would cost a fortune in CGI ! LOL
      I'm looking forward to playing them, hopefully I can keep them alive for a while or I'll have to keep recruiting new members ( that could be a lot more sculpting and painting ! LOL)

  5. That's one helluva lot of very detailed and crafted figures and well done completing the reamining bits oan pieces. The ammedemento the existing models have worked well too.

    1. Thank you Joe, they are a very eclectic bunch, which is probably why I enjoyed doing them so much, as each was a challenge, and gave new opportunities as well, plus having a range of models, means I might have an existing piece that will work elsewhere as well ! LOL

  6. Great looking scifi crew!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, a loveable bunch of rogues they are ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish21 September 2023 at 14:50

    These are brilliant Dave! :-) Nice to see them all together! I've really enjoyed following this project!

    1. Thank you John, I've been surprised at how quick they all came together, but enjoyed the whole process.

  8. Its great to see you painting up more of these, Dave. The group shot is excellent and really shows off how varied the sculpts are. This is one squad to be proud of for sure!

    1. Thank you Jeff, it's been a fun project, helped by so many of the bloggers, with their constructive comments and ideas. The one thing that has always bothered me in sci-fi shows and films, that all the aliens are man sized and shaped, obviously this is due to having to fit an actor inside them, no such restrictions for me, so wanted the shapes and sizes to be varied.

  9. That's an excellent looking crew of sci-fi adventurers (and scummers!) They'd also fit in well enough in various games as background models/characters alongside your Star Wars collection.

    1. Thank you Azazael, I think you are spot on, with how they could fit in in so many sci-fi settings, working on some adventures for them at the moment, plus their landing craft.

  10. Congrats on getting them done! Great looking bunch and very creative! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, I'm itching to get them on the board for some scenarios soon.
