Monday 11 September 2023


 Today I had planned to post up the Season of Scenery roundup, but I'm waiting on a couple of posts to complete it, so will be next time, so instead I've got the beginnings of my robotic contingent for my adventurers group, still got another Gun Drone, and Gunbot to do which are already started.

From the group shot above first is the four surveillance drones, these are from my Future City Scenics range, but work perfectly well in this setting as well, the wings are solar panels to power them, for storage, the wings would fold down, making them almost spherical.

Next is the first Gunbot, armed with a central cannon, that is in a fixed position, and two smaller laser weapons that can move for greater field of fire.

Lastly today is the Gun Drone, which is armed with a rotary cannon, which should give a good rate of fire.

For all the flying stands I made some dead saplings to elevate them from the base, which I think adds a nice scenic element. That's all for this post so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. Oh they look splendid Dave. Quite Terminator-esque but with a touch of old school sci-fi flick to them too.

    1. Thank you Simon, very inspired by the Hunter Killers from Terminator, probably closest to the ones in terminator 3, at least something good came out of that movie ! LOL Yes some 80's sci-fi influenced them as well.

  2. I really like that gun drone, the lines give it a very aggressive look, even without the giant gun.

    1. Thank you SD, I started with the white all over which looked a bit plain, so added the grey and red, and thought the angular design would be interesting.

  3. Nice job. Especially on the last one. Looks dangerous. 😀
    I’m eagerly awaiting the scenery challenge round up. Everyone else is LATE! 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, it's amazing what a few lines can add ( and a big gun ! LOL)
      It's going to take a few hours to write up, with so many entries this year ! LOL Hoping this extra couple of days allows people the time they need to get their posts up.

  4. More smashing work mate, they all look amazing but I love the look of that "Gun Bot" especially that is a great design..

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, I'm torn between the bot and drone as which is my favourite, as I like aspects of both designs ! LOL One day I'll have to pick a favourite ! ROFL

  5. The saplings are a great idea. GS over metal pins/rods?

    Good bunch of drones mate - I like those surveillance ones the best, just small and simple.

    1. Thank you Dai, yes you are spot on, added a few lines in as well with a scalpel to give some texture.
      I've had them in my range for a long time now, they were actually a request from Bryan for his Judge Dredd games, still need to get my Mega city one idea ready to play ! LOL

  6. They all look awesome, what an inspiring piece of work!!

    1. Thank you Suber, GB and GD have been in varying states on my workbench for years, just needed this use for them to get me motivated to finish them ! LOL

  7. These look great, Dave and I really like the uniform color scheme as well. It looks like these all could be allied together if you'd like them to be.

    1. Thank you Jeff, each one was originally built for something else, so I thought a unified colour scheme that works with the adventurers would tie them together, hopefully this will become evident when I do the group shot of all of them together.

  8. A very impressive grojup of bots and I do like the running colour scheme throughout.

    1. Thank you Joe, thought the unified colours would help tie them all together, also means I could always paint some more in another colour scheme for opposing forces at a later stage.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish21 September 2023 at 14:36

    Late to the party again I'm afraid, Dave! These all look really good! I like the common scheme across them - the gun drone is my favourite!

    1. Thank you John, no problem, life can always throw up hurdles ! LOL I thought the common scheme would help unify the robot element to the living one, plus if I decide to do some more as opposition, I just need to change the colours. The drone shape makes it my favourite too.

  10. The drones look great, Dave! After the events of the past couple of years the lack of drones sci-fi games in general and in 40k armies specifically (outside of the Tau) feels a little odd - so seeing yours here really works!

    1. Thank you Azazael, current events can influence a lot in this industry, as they say life imitates art, and vice versa, in saying that it hasn't stopped the human race messing with AI, has no one watched Terminator ! LOL
