Monday 30 September 2024


 Hope you've all recovered from Season of Scenery, as it's now time for Apocalypse Me, the challenge where any model or scenery piece for any apocalypse can be painted, so if Post apocalyptic is your thing ( Judge Dredd, Fallout, Mad Max to name but three), or Zombie apocalypse is your thing, now is the time to get your models finished, not sure what an apocalypse event is, here is a definition 

an event resulting in great destruction and violent change

So if you can explain what apocalypse event is going on then I'm sure it will count, some people describe World War 2 as an apocalyptic event, so you can see the scope is quite broad. Mark has already mentioned he would like to do some of his Wars of Ozz models, as they are based on the end of Ozz, due to war.

Below are some of the fantastic entries from last years challenge

If you are feeling extra creative, you can always convert or paint a model of yourself in your favourite apocalypse setting, here is the one I did of myself in the first challenge, for a Zombie Apocalypse.

If you would like to take part, please leave a comment below, and if yours is a blog I don't currently follow or comment on, please leave a link to your blog as well.

Talking of Blog's Da Gobbo has recently restarted blogging, he was a large commenter in the early days of this blog, and has been missed during his hiatus, his blog dagobbosgrotto covers a wide range of subject material (his recent burrows & Badgers buildings are awesome) will be posting up zombie apocalypse battle reports which will be well worth a read during the month of October.

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

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