Monday 9 September 2024


 Yes there is, it's called magnetism ! LOL To secure the roof's I've added some magnets, which should keep it locked in place when the roof's are on. I've used a combination of magnetic strip glued to the walls, and small magnets, drilled and glued into the roof. Some may be asking why didn't you do this during construction, well I didn't have them at that point ! LOL

It would be a bit of a boring post, if this was it, so I have a few more details done. First is lasgunpacker's suggestion of a Trandoshan skin. I've put it as decor next to the spiral staircase.

Next I've put a cloak in the entrance hallway, as Chalmun is a wookie, he would need to disguise himself when leaving his quarters, as Imperials have been hunting them down since Order 66.

I've also done some Wookie weapons mounted on the walls in his personal bar area, partly as decoration, but would also be quick access if needed.

Last today, is a bottle and two glasses added to the the bar, to make it looked used.

Still need to do the seat, to sit in front of the bar, and the need to work out what's supposed to be in the next room, in the mean time I may start working on some of the external details needed, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Some wonderful details added, Dave - and all with a story or two behind them I'd wager. Really enjoying your enthusiasm for this project.

    1. Thank you Simon, I've got the cantina cut away picture as reference starting point, but when you zoom in too close it gets a bit blurry, which is when I have to interpret it as best I can, and then rely on different points of reference like the Wookie weapons ! LOL

  2. Fantastic. I'm keeping my standing ovation for the completion of the project, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to refrain myself until then!

    1. Thank you Suber, comments are the best applause we could have, and I feel the same way about your mega builds (gargant, and entire city).

  3. Lovely additions mate, as they say god is in the details!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, as you know I do like a detail or two. I thought the other guy was blamed for that ! LOL

  4. John@justneedsvarnish9 September 2024 at 14:33

    Very nice details, Dave! :-) The bottle and glasses look very realistic!

    1. Thank you John, I tried something new on them, the glasses were made from clear tube, and the bottle was a feed tube for superglue, first I did some washes inside to the level I wanted, then when dry, I filled to the right level with water effect from woodland scenics.

    2. John@justneedsvarnish10 September 2024 at 10:39

      Clever! :-)

    3. Always looking for new and better ways of doing things ! LOL

  5. wow! this is excellent stuff Dave, sorry it's taken me so long to find the blog and comment on the work! I will be looking over your older posts real soon.

    1. Thank you Andy, great to have you back mate, and you should find plenty of Star Wars to look at, and lots of other stuff as well ! LOL

  6. great details all around. the aesthetic and the functional. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, wanted them to add to his story, and also have a purpose.

  7. Those are some great additions, Dave. Any time you can add signs of life like these items, it adds a bit of history and life to the place. One of these days I hope to do this kind of work for Fallout. Hopefully I'll get there before I'm 70!

    1. Thank you Jeff, scenery is a lot like big sculpts, it's all about telling a story, if you can make multiple stories from the same piece, you've done an excellent job. I would love to see you do the same on your Fallout scenery, as there is so much scope for it, and if you put your mind to it, you'll definitely get there before you're 70 ! LOL
