Thursday 26 September 2024



Not me personally, but Chalmun, being a Wookie in a time when the Empire are actively hunting them, I thought his vehicle port would need the necessary equipment to maintain his vehicle and keep it in readiness for a quick getaway. First up is the fuelling area, from the cutaway picture, I could see rough shapes, but needed to add the detail to make it believable. On the other side of the pillar, is a random pipe, now having worked in several industrial buildings, there would often be a random pipe that no one knew what it's use was, or where it went, so this is one of those ! LOL

Next there was what looked like a big electrical type box, which I've adapted to a diagnostic machine, with cabling and connector to suit the task.

On the other wall was another electrical looking box, which this one I made into a battery charging station, with the connector and cabling.

Last today, is a bit that wasn't in the cutout, as there was a wall in the way, so I decided to put in a workbench, as Chalmun is a Wookie, I went with a wooden bench, and added a vice, tool box, and welding/ cutting tool.

This will be my last post on the cantina for a while, as next week starts Apocalypse Me, and I've got a big commission order I'm working on as well, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

1 comment:

  1. Your work is mesmerising, the details make the whole project come to life. I cannot get tired of saying it, I love your work and the way you approach every project
