Friday 6 September 2024


 This weeks progress has been small, due to multiple factors, one being having to wait for the restock of greenstuff, as my last commission used all of the new roll, and most of my spare backup ! LOL Also we have been spending a lot of time getting my daughter her next bike, as she can now have a 125 cc, and that's taken a lot of time. So what have I managed on the Cantina, first up I've been sorting out some furnishings for Chalmun's quarters. I've built his private bar, but might add some glasses and a bottle on top yet, just to make it look used.

I've also done the rug for this area, but still need to do the seat to sit on top of it.

Last part for the quarters are the two wall hangings, I want to add some weapons hanging on top.

I've also done the next roof needed for the sales booth that is behind the cantina.

As I said not a lot finished this week, but every bit finished is one less step needed for completion ! LOL So until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Love these bits - so nice and great detailed pieces Dave!

    1. Thank you Mark, many more to come, before it's completely finished.

  2. Looking great!

    Maybe he needs a lizard hide rug made from a Trandoshian bounty hunter?

    1. Thank you Lasgunpacker, I like that idea, but might do it as a wall hanging, and have the perfect spot in mind for it, next to the spiral staircase.

  3. John@justneedsvarnish6 September 2024 at 13:01

    Some really nice details there, Dave! :-) A new bike sounds good, although back when I passed my bike test it was just learners under 250cc and once you'd passed your test you could ride anything! You tell people now that you just had to ride your bike round the block and the instructor watched you from a vantage point somewhere and they don't believe you!

    1. Thank you John, I know it has got so much more now, CBT, then theory test, then part 1 and part 2 practical, just a way of making more money off of you, and don't get me started on insurance ! LOL

  4. Chalmun's bar looks great and will be another good addition to the cantina. I think adding some glasses and/or barware is a great idea as well. Darn that commissioner for making you use all that green stuff up too! :) I hope you can get more quickly and easily.

    1. Thank you Jeff, I think the bottle and glasses would give that used look, and lived in look . Don't worry was ordered at the beginning of the week and arrived yesterday after I posted this ! LOL Was probably less than I use on a Dragon sculpt, as I didn't have to do the wings ! LOL

  5. That's fantastic. The attention to details is what makes the difference in this kind of projects, I love every bit!

    1. Thank you Suber, plenty more of these details to come, both inside and outside.

  6. You've got the making of all these little detail pieces down to a science, that wood grain looks really good.

    1. Thank you SD, it's the little details that bring the place to life, otherwise it's just a set of walls ! LOL

  7. Very nice, I think I'd done a lot if I did all that in one week! 😁

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, it is surprising how long these little details take, and it seems to be the smaller they are the longer they take ! LOL
