Monday 16 September 2024


 Don't panic I'm not talking about blogging, or even life ( although if the universe would like to stop throwing me curve balls to sort out I wouldn't mind ! LOL), no I mean I needed a break form the cantina, as I didn't want to get to a point where I was just going through the motions, and it wouldn't be up to my normal standard. The first distraction was one I needed to get done before my son went to University, a display base for his Axolotl, now knowing my son wanted to get the other two models in the range I've made it with the space for the next two included.

I've added magnets, and magnetic strips to help hold the models in place, for transporting, below is a picture of the base without the models so it's easier to see all the bits I've added for decoration.

Now the next two models are just because I wanted to, and it's two versions of the Salamander for my Lizardmen army. This first one is the original model that GW released, which I still like, and reminds me of a Dimetrodon, which was always one of my favourite prehistoric creatures. I found the colour scheme from the reference I've included below.

This next one was the second version GW released, I liked it a lot less, but at the time I worked for GW, and if I wanted to use one instore it needed to be the current version, For the colour scheme I went with a water Dragon, also known as a Sailfin lizard.

As GW have now released a third version and is now called the Spawn of Chotek, I'm going to use the first version which is similar, and the second version will be added to my wandering encounter creatures for multiple games (Fantasy and Sci-Fi). Below is what the current version looks like.

If I want to add a second one  to my army, it will work okay with my version 1. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave  


  1. I agree, I like the Dimetrodon best, but anyway I find your work fantastic and inspiring!!

    1. Thank you Suber, as you know I like to use nature as my inspiration, but occasionally like something a little more extreme ! LOL

  2. hope you enjoyed your break. The display board came out looking really good and the magnets should hold the little dudes in place.
    my kids had a Dimetrodon, I say had because I stepped on it too many times and that sail really hurts the foot and now it seems to have gotten 'lost' forever. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, you know what they say, sometimes a change is as good as a rest ! LOL The base worked well, as they didn't move during the 4 hour journey, which was a bonus ! LOL Can understand it getting lost, as I wouldn't want to stand on this one, it has some very sharp points on it's sail ! LOL

  3. John@justneedsvarnish17 September 2024 at 11:15

    Nice work on the display base and the salamanders, Dave! :-) I think the second version of the model is my least favourite but I really like the paint schemes on your models. What's not to like about Dimetrodon (well OK, maybe the nasty looking teeth)?

    1. Thank you John, I do like to find more unusual colour schemes, just to help the models stand out a little more ! LOL the teeth and probably it was one of the more adept predators of it's time ! LOL
