Friday 2 August 2024


 No I'm not talking the ones in your head, but the voice of fellow bloggers, Azazael recently said he thought the bar was too small, so I double checked my dimensions, as it turns out I'd actually done one too big, the height of the bar, this is what it used to look like.

I needed to lower the bar, luckily the large bar top wasn't stuck down, so that one was fairly easy to adjust, the back bar was glued down and to the walls, but with careful trimming down I was able to adjust that one as well. Azazael also asked if I'd include models to help to show the scale as well, so here are some pictures of the adjusted bars with patrons.

As you will have noticed I've also added some paint to the bar as well, as it's been a few weeks since I've picked up a brush, you may notice a spot that has no paint, that's because I'm going to try something I don't add very often, but I'll keep it as a surprise if it works, or just let it fade into obscurity if it doesn't ! LOL Last time I mentioned the roof, but forgot to put in the picture, so here is the basic structure so far.

Hopefully I can add some detail on it soon and get that moving in the right direction, but one piece is taking a lot of time already. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. The painted bar looks really good, excited to see if your paint experiment works out!

    1. Thank you SD, seeing it in paint helps, and made me realise I'm heading in the right direction. Good guess but it's not a paint experiment ! LOL

  2. Those pictures with the painted bar are really nice, Dave! You can really see the project coming together now. I'm looking forward to seeing more as you get around to it!

    1. Thank you Jeff, painting up a section allowed me to see if the overall would work, and also test the colours for inside the cantina, as I'm using different colours outside.

  3. It really is coming together well Dave, the addition of the miniatures give us an indication t just how awesome this build will be.

    1. Thank you Michael, it was a good test to see if I had the right size to the bar, if I could get most of the characters around it ! LOL

  4. The paint and the miniatures really help demonstrate how everything is related. Gonna be great! 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, I was glad of Azazael's comment, as it really showed I was heading in the right direction.

  5. Sorry you had to "lower the bar" on such a great project! Haha!
    Jokes aside, this is turning out very nice! The exposed white on the countertop almost makes it look like there were white LEDs underneath (would also be a cool effect). The minis are all your standard sized minis, I take it? Like 28/32mm? This going to be pretty big, judging from the minis/scale. I notice the mini bases kind of get in the way. That's something that has always kind of bugged me when setting up a tavern or other indoor scene in D&D. Not much we can do about it other than swapping out magnetized bases maybe? I think I recall some 'sitting patron' minis at one time though, which would make things look better for those settings. Anyways, this is a great project and looking forward to what comes next! :)

    1. Thank you Brian, and that's a good one mate ! LOL
      I think they did a white counter top to help reflect the light from above, so the bar looked brighter than the surrounding areas and the cubicles, but a lit bar would have been a cool idea as well. The miniatures are either Fantasy Flight, Imperial Assault, or Legion scale depending where I could find the relevant characters, plus the ones I built myself, which I would say were Legion scale. The bases are a pain if I was doing a diorama, but as this is for gaming I'm not too worried, and do have some characters that are seated, which will be the bar flys as they will be stuck down, anything standing will be able to move around or be removed depending on the scenario.

  6. This is getting better and better, I'm genuinely excited, I love how it's all coming along!

    1. Thank you Suber, hopefully it will continue to impress as it carries on, and not be too boring.

  7. John@justneedsvarnish5 August 2024 at 05:56

    Coming along well, Dave! :-) Looks really good with patrons in the bar!

    1. Thank you John, hopefully I can keep adding to it, to make it truly exceptional.

    2. John@justneedsvarnish5 August 2024 at 13:06

      I think it's truly exceptional already! :-)

    3. Thank you John, there is always room for improvement ! LOL
