Tuesday 20 August 2024


Between the large amount of commission work, and my children, if I was a suspicious person, I'd swear someone was trying to sabotage my cantina project ! LOL I love my older children visiting me, and enjoy the time they spend here, but it normally involves them bringing over another distraction project, or two (or three . . .). So what have my children brought this time, well I will reveal them as I go, and today I have two dinosaurs from Jurassic World, they are from the tops of the promo cups on it's cinema release, years ago I painted the one of Blue the Velociraptor, and her work colleagues saw it, and said she should ask me to paint the other two, as they were dire in comparison. First we have old faithful the T-Rex, I've included a reference picture below.

Next we have the Indominus_Rex which was a mix up dinosaur the scientists made to make it more impressive, like living breathing Dinosaurs wouldn't be impressive in their own right ! LOL

These were fun little distractions, and something to quickly fill in gaps of time while waiting for paint, resin or green to dry on the commission work, next time more distractions, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Those are awesome, Dave! I really like the color choice on the T-Rex. Very natural looking. I'm wondering about the scale. I've found it pretty difficult to find Dinosaurs that match up with 28mm minis.

    1. Thank you Brian, was just trying to match the colours from the movie, so at least had a reference point ! LOL As for their size these are way too small for 28 mm mini's as the T-Rex would have a hard job fitting a lawyer in his mouth ! LOL The Schleich range is probably the best range I've found their scale between the dino's is pretty accurate, and they're anatomical look correct as well.

  2. Absolutely superb! Everything is better with dinosaurs, even made up ones! :D

    1. Thank you Michael, I do like a good Dinosaur, probably why I had Lizardmen as an army ! LOL

  3. Absolutely fantastic, the Tyrannosaurus looks so natural! I of course have my reservations about the movie making up fake dinosaurs, but nevertheless, your Indominus looks awesome too!

    1. Thank you Suber, having the reference pictures helped with the colour choices, and I know what you mean aren't Dinosaurs cool already ! LOL

  4. John@justneedsvarnish22 August 2024 at 10:57

    Very nicely done, Dave! :-) Can't go wrong with dinosaurs - even I have some now!

    1. Thank you John, everything is better with Dinosaurs, unless you're being chased by one that is ! LOL Look forward to seeing yours on your blog at some point.

  5. These look very nice indeed, Dave and I say that as someone who isn't even a fan of Jurassic Park. They look like they'd be pretty quick to paint up and great candidates for drybrushing too.

    1. Thank you Jeff, yes the detail was deep enough that they lend to drybrushing for a quick win, then just picking out details. Last night I watched a modern remake of the land that time forgot (2024) on Amazon Prime, I have to say the original was better, and the low budget CGI didn't help, but there was some interesting additional ideas they had for your gaming.
