Monday 26 August 2024


 I'm now down to finishing one commission, so hope to have something to show with the cantina by the end of the challenge, but I guarantee it will not be fully completed, but if I can complete sections I'll be happy with that. So why the rush on getting my sons D&D figures done, well he's off to university in a couple of weeks and he'd like to take them with him. When he brought them over, we looked at the different colours of Axolotl's and assigned different ones to the different classes of characters that we felt that fit. First up we have a Barbarian, which we went for the most common and natural colour schemes.

Next the Paladin we chose the white version, a lot of people think this is an Albino, which it is not, as there is a Albino version as well which has pink eyes.

The third is a Sorcerer which we went with the golden colour scheme, below the pictures is the reference picture for the above 3.

Next is the Rogue, the black version was the obvious choice for this class to help with stealth.


The Ranger, we chose the mottled skin tone.

Last today is the Warrior, now I'm not sure this is a real colour and could be an AI picture but have included the reference picture for you to decide yourselves.

This last one was the only conversion I did, as the original model had him embedding his sword into the base, which took all the focus off the face, my son wasn't keen on it, so I changed it to a leaping pose, with a pin to support the model hidden by some tall grasses hiding it. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wonderful work mate, great colourful and characterful little chaps!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, I was surprised at how many different colours you could get Axolotl, as before this I only knew The Barbarian, and Paladin versions ! LOL

  2. great job on these... unique miniatures. LO. actually I think they are rather cool. be great to have an army of them.
    Though I thought we had children so that one day, they could paint OUR miniatures. Not the other way around...😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, they do have a certain appeal, and a whole army would look very effective, not that I'm offering to paint a whole army ! LOL That is always the plan, unfortunately my children saw what I can do and went just leave it to dad ! LOL

  3. These are adorable Dave and such great paint jobs too.

    1. Thank you Michael, at some point there is another two characters in the range, so you will see more I'm sure. Once we decided each variation for the class it was a fairly quick exercise.

  4. Man, how is it possible for them to look so cool? Awesome work, seriously

    1. Thank you Suber, I think once we found the right natural colours it all kind of fell into place, proof that sometimes it's better to be lucky rather than good ! LOL

  5. Despite the fact that I go to zoos here in the States when I can and know a decent amount about animals, I don't know these critters all that well but they seem to be growing in popularity as of late. There is a comic series that is ongoing that features Axolotl.

    They certainly make for great anthropomorphic fantasy miniatures too. I like the variety of colors you used on these. I think the good mice of Redwall better watch out because they've got some competition now!

    1. Thank you Jeff, they are unusual creatures , a friend of mine has a couple in a tank in his front room, and you are right they are increasing in popularity as pets, hence all the new colour variations that are being made available. I knew of two the standard (barbarian) and the white (paladin), but was surprised at how many other variations there are now.
      I had forgotten all about the mice of Redwall, which looks a lot like the characters in Burrows and Badgers, which these would fit in well with, if a little bit too big for that range ! LOL

  6. Fantastic job, Dave - didn't know Axolotls come in so many different colours. The conversion turned out great too!

    1. Thank you snapfit, I was surprised to, knew of the basic two, but that was it ! LOL My son was worried when I suggested it, but very happy now.
