Thursday 22 August 2024


 Another of my children's distractions has been completed, this is from a set of Axolotl in Dungeons and Dragons form, but as this is a Dragon I thought it deserved it's own post, and I'll post up the characters when finished. When my son brought them round we looked at different colours first of Axolotl, for the characters, and for the dragon, I asked if there was a bird he liked as it had feathered wings, I instantly regretted this as he said a Peacock ! LOL so I loosely used it as a basis for the colours on the dragon. He also wasn't impressed with the pyramid used as the base, this was a easy fix, I sculpted it to look like a rock.

Below is pictures of the outer and inner wings, and below that is the reference picture I used.

The wings and body were both given a coat of gemstone paint by GW, to help give a metallic sheen, but as I used proper colours underneath it's not as pronounced as if I'd done a basecoat of silver, but lessons learned and I'm still happy with the result. Hopefully this will also count for Keith's year of the Dragon challenge. Until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish22 August 2024 at 13:30

    That's a new one on me, Dave! Very nice paint job! :-) Certainly a nice representation of peacock plumage!

    1. Thank you John, it is a strange combination, but my son liked it so needed to do the best I could ! LOL

  2. For as complicated fully painting a peacock tail would be, I think you found a nice middle ground of getting the point across without going insane haha.

    1. Thank you SD, I agree actually painting a peacock tail would be a nightmare, so was happy to find a middle ground ! LOL

  3. Stunning! What a fabulous job Dave.

    1. Thank you Michael, it was certainly something different to work on ! LOL

  4. Terrific paint job, Dave. I do like all these gifts your kids buy you as they cover an incredible range of subject matters.

    1. Thank you Simon, these aren't so much gifts for me, but more like Dad can you paint these for them ! LOL but as you say does give me a varied set to work on.

  5. That is an awfully creative sculpt. A peacock and dragon are not things I'd ever think to put together. I think you certainly nailed the look of an Indian Peafowl here, Dave. Getting rid of that pyramid was the right call as well!

    1. Thank you Jeff, it was my suns idea to use the Peacock colours, not something I would have chosen ! LOL I was surprised at how many different coloured Axolotl there were which will get shown in the next post, I knew of two, but was surprised at how many more there were ! LOL

  6. And people are telling me that Quar are strange creatures…. They should see this thing. 😀
    The peacock imagery is spot on as that’s what I thought before I read the post. Good job. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, indeed, if someone can think it up, you can probably find a model of it ! LOL Glad the imagery shone through, and it's what you instantly thought of.

  7. What a cool model and great job recreating the peacock colours!

    1. Thank you snapfit, was worried if I could pull them off, but turned out okay in the end.
