Monday 5 August 2024


 As you may remember from the last post, I showed the basic roof panel, have now made some good progress on it, and got the two domes added, the detail surrounding the vehicle port, the glass panel above the bar, and many gubbins added. this shot shows the large dome removed.

The next shot has the dome put back on.

Here are some more close up shots of the details.

As a stormtrooper on the roof would look odd, here's a sandbat roosting.

Proof that the vehicle port is large enough with a vehicle inside ready for a quick escape.

This week I'd like to get some more paint on the whole thing, and then I need to start adding the details, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish5 August 2024 at 06:00

    Quite a bit done on the outside there now, Dave! :-) Really does look impressive!

    1. Thank you John, wanted to get this large area out of the way, as there are so many extra bits needed all around the building, plus all the little details needed inside ! LOL

  2. Impressive, Dave! Is there much in the way of reference material for the roof or do you have improvise most of it?

    1. Thank you Brian, just the cut away picture I found is the only reference I could find, and that only shows the back edge ! LOL

  3. gonna be an impressive roof. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, I might add some more vents on the plain side later on, and maybe some more pipework as it's a little plain at the moment.

  4. Have really been enjoying this epic build mate, sorry haven't been able to comment more often, but suffice to say this has been improving with each new element you've added. Your attention to Star Wars detail is legendary and it shine's though on this in spades!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, there are days it feels like I'm not showing anything new, but glad you appreciate it all. Feel your pain on commenting as I'm not able to interact on Dave Guru Pigs site at all now, and that's from the PC !

  5. I'm just drooling. This is too good to be real, I love how the whole building is coming along!

    1. Thank you Suber, hopefully it will continue to impress as it progresses, and doesn't become dull seeing the same areas as I add to them.

  6. Its funny how much those dome roofs add to the project but they do have a strong impact. The cantina looks like it belongs on Tatooine now and the fact that there are details hidden underneath some of the roofs just makes it that much more impressive!

    1. Thank you Jeff, they are very iconic aren't they, and just makes them scream Tatooine ! LOL I may add a couple more vents on the plain side yet, as obviously where the cutouts in the drawing were showed no roof detail ! LOL
