Friday 9 August 2024


 Continuing on with this rather large project, I've got a few more entrance ways built, first is the door to one of the store rooms, at the front of the building. This is my third attempt at this door, first I tried greenstuff to get the ridges in, looked terrible, then I tried cutting into plasticard, also looked awful, so my third attempt was to paint in the ridges, it's not perfect, but will do, I've done a shot just of the door, one with a model for scale, and reference picture to see what I was aiming for.

Next is the door for Chalmun's quarters, there was no reference pictures to work from, so I went for a style similar to the main entrance, below is a picture of the door with, and without model.

Last today is my favourite part so far, the entranceway into the cantina, where we see the droid scanner, some chairs, and a lot of glasses left lying around. The droid scanner was made from plasticard, and the chairs were made from offcuts of foamcore that were shaped and detail scribed into them before painting. the glasses are plastic hollow rod cut to length and stuck into place. Pictures below are without figures, with figures and reference pictures.

Hopefully I can get some more painting done by next time, so until then stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Hi Dave this is looking very impressive, just gone back away to look at the rest of the build, sorry to hear you weren't week a short time ago, hope everything is Ok now.

    1. Thank you John, still not 100 % but at least able to keep working ! LOL The early part seemed a lot more impressive as a lot happened quickly but the details take a lot of time, so what seems very little progress ! LOL

  2. What a hell of a work, I'm astonished at your output and your perseverance, seriously :O

    1. Thank you Suber, I sometimes feel I'm not showing much in these posts, so really appreciate the feed back.

  3. John@justneedsvarnish9 August 2024 at 10:10

    Nice work on the details so far, Dave! :-) I'd have just painted the detail on that first door as well! I like the chairs and now I know what a droid scanner looks like - must get one! ;-)

    1. Thank you John, it was an evolution as the other ideas didn't work ! LOL With how rapidly AI is everywhere I think every house could use a droid scanner ! LOL

  4. All the entrances look great, I think the painted door does the job fine without needing to get too complicated for no reason.

    1. Thank you SD, I do like to do 3D representations where I can, just these ones didn't work ! LOL

  5. The doors look great, especially the second one. The first door shows how freehand usually goes. You make your first attempt and you're not entirely satisfied with it and the only way to get it perfect is to keep making adjustments until you're happy with it. I'd guess something like 90% of miniature painters don't have the patience for it because it isn't the most fun process.

    1. Thank you Jeff, I have the main entrance left to do, and it's in a similar style to the second one, but that one is a sliding door. Failures can be frustrating, but if you don't persevere you wont get anything finished ! LOL

  6. Good progress but I understand the feeling of not showing much. The other day I glued down foam, made some stairs, and put spackle / filler on all the big gaps. It was hours of work and when I took a picture it didn’t look like anything. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, It's amazing how much work goes into anything you make, which is why so many people buy premade scenery ! LOL The one part that can not be lost is the fact that we get the scenery exactly how we want it ! LOL

  7. "Freeze! Luke Skywallker, THXPD! Put your hands up!! Not you, 3PO!". :D Really like the action shot of Luke entering (or leaving) the bar. Nice work on those doors too!

    1. Thank you Brian, LOL really don't fancy painting another Luke Skywalker, so will have to make do with him holding a blaster ! LOL Some of the doors are easier than others to do, but all necessary ! LOL
