Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Bit later than normal, as I was taken ill over the weekend, thankfully over the worst of it and now back on this mammoth project.

So what is the title about, well all the additional bits today were made from the offcuts of the walls, I was careful  to use each length of foamcore so that I only had some small offcuts left at the end of the process, but these pieces would make the buttressing needed around the main building.

I've also used the offcuts to make the hitching posts, roof vent, and door frame around Chalmun's quarters, I still need to add the rings on the hitching posts, which I will make either out of greenstuff or wire, depending how well each works.

Offcuts were also used on the buttressing around the additional building.

I've also started building the roof, this was cut out of hardboard, so it is light, but fairly strong, need to join the two pieces together, and find a way of securing the roof, I might go for magnets.

Don't know what bit to work on next, but hope to have something by next time, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Smart use of your extra pieces, Dave! The techniques you're using here would work well for some simple houses/structures on a gaming table too.

    1. Thank you Brian, Indeed this process could be used for multiple types of buildings, and with changing the outside texture you could build stone buildings, and the addition of a bit of wood you could do Tudor buildings, the ideas are limitless ! LOL

  2. Glad to hear that you are on the mend Dave. Great progress though, really coming together.

    1. Thank you Michael, I'm at least able to make it into my room to carry on with this ! LOL It's amazing how long these little details take, but worth it for the end result.

  3. Glad to know you are feeling better. What a delightful (yet dreadful!) project. I love it

    1. Thank you Suber, I know what you mean, cool to have a gaming piece like this, but the man hours required ! LOL

  4. Very green post, glad to hear you're getting better and that nothing is going to waste!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, still having to take extra medication to my normal, but a small price to pay for being able to carry on with this project ! LOL I do like to get my monies worth out of any materials I buy, and not waste any ! LOL

  5. very thematic and stylish additions to the build. Good thinking. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, hoping the next post starts to bring all the elements together, but I doubt it ! LOL

  6. Its nice to see some roofs on the buildings. I don't know what architectural style the Tatooine houses are based off of but whenever I see those dome-like houses, I immediately think of Tatooine and Star Wars as if they invented it or it belongs there.

    1. Thank you Jeff, it's amazing how a film can make us feel that way, which is a great sign of a great movie.

  7. John@justneedsvarnish5 August 2024 at 05:54

    Good use of the offcuts, Dave! :-) Hope all's well with you now, although I'm running behind on blog activities (as usual)!

    1. Thank you John, got a lingering cough, but at least able to get up out of bed ! LOL Do like to get my monies worth out of the materials ! LOL

  8. Firstly, I hope you're now fully recovered from whatever plagued you over the weekend, Dave..? Secondly, your attention to detail with this project continues to impress me. Love the buttresses, and the slopes you've put on them etc. Fantastic use of the scraps imho.

    1. Thank you Simon, still got a lingering cough, but at least able to move around and get on with things ! LOL The supe detailing is yet to come, so hopefully it will still continue to impress.
