Friday 30 August 2024


 So as August draws to a close, so does another Season of Scenery, and how far did I get with the Cantina, well it's not finished but I have sections complete, so a small win if nothing else. Rather than lots of dribble from me lets have some pictures, first up some overall shots.

As you can see I have the basic painting of the outside done, but it needs the staining and weathering. Lets have some internal shots of the other areas that need the detail work.

How am I supposed to fly with no tools or fuelling station !
Who stole all my stuff !
How about some shots of the cubicles with their patrons.

If you can't hear this picture, you need to watch Star Wars again ! LOL

So basically the bar and cubicles are done, just need the central bar finished with all the pipe work, the outer rooms all need detailing, so quite a big task, the outside needs all the sellers areas and details added, another big task. Still need to add some more details to the roof and paint it, another big job, and then there is the outside basing to be sorted, and some wiring that needs to be finished to light up the tables and cubicles and bar (after seeing Michael's awesome tables, I wanted mine to light up as well), so still a fair amount of work to do. I could wait until next years challenge, but as we all know I'm not a patient man ! LOL The good news is I've almost finished my last of the current commissions and will be sending pictures to them this weekend, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave


  1. Excellent work Dave, and some fantastic reconstruction pics from the movie too. I was wondering whether you'd continue with this project beyond the month - and wasn't at all surprised by your answer. LOL!!!

    1. you Simon, thought it would be rude not to do some reconstruction photo's of these iconic scenes, especially as I spent so much time building all the characters that inhabit this scene ! LOL Summer is normally my quietist time with work, but this year proved the exception, so didn't get as much time as I would have, but that's okay as this is for me I can do it whenever I want.

  2. That's a proper set you got there, honestly looks like something you could see at a museum. Great job!

    1. Thank you SD, it's been a labour of love, and would really like to get it finished completely before too long ! LOL

  3. John@justneedsvarnish30 August 2024 at 11:22

    Brilliant, Dave! :-) I can hear that picture!!

  4. Incredible work and to think, you're not even done yet! The pictures of various patrons really nail the look of A New Hope perfectly. If I can make a request, I'd like to see Hem Dazon make an appearance at some point. And yes, I had to Google that one to find his name, I don't know it off the top of my head haha

    1. Thank you Jeff, a lot of the details will be based off the cut away picture I showed at the beginning, as that's the only reference point I have, but should add a lot of interest on the surrounding sections. Hem is in there but was hiding behind two walls, so I will take a special picture of him for you, you could have just asked and not mentioned you had to look him up.

  5. The whole project is mind blowing. Perfect down to each detail, I'm truly amazed and love it all!

    1. Thank you Suber, still a way to go, but still enjoying doing it, which is the main thing ! LOL

  6. really coming together now. well done. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, still a long way to go, but at least the main sections are playable now.
