Saturday 4 May 2024


 Yes it's that time of year again to post up something Star Wars, for me that could be any day of the year normally ! LOL But I do like to try and have one for this day to join in with everyone else. So today I have the last Rebel squad from the Legion box set, I've swapped the arms around again, to add variation, some involved trimming pegs, and others just needed a little greenstuff to fill the small gaps.

As you can see above I have a female leading this squad, and what would normally be the leader carrying one of the heavy weapons.

I do like these models, but glad to finish this third squad, I only have one rebel box set to get now, the Rebel Commandos which is good as this shelf is getting very full ! LOL That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Very nice Dave! Hope your getting all the Star Wars in you love!

    1. Thank you Mark, currently run out of Star Wars models to paint, but Father's Day is coming up ! LOL

  2. John@justneedsvarnish5 May 2024 at 01:30

    Oooh, I like these Dave! :-) Very nice! I can't believe you've run out of Star Wars models to paint - you've just put that in to see if we're all awake!

    1. Thank you John, I have cleared all the troops and characters that I got for my Birthday and Christmas, the only piece I have left is Slave-1, which I am slowly doing the conversion work on, and hope to paint up during Season of Scenery ! LOL

  3. Lovely subtle variation Dave, cracking job.

    1. Thank you Michael, as I've ended up with 3 squads of these, I wanted to add a bit of variation, to help the rag tag look of the Rebels.

  4. Looking really great. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, I could have probably got them finished by the end of February with the rest of the box, but wanted to have something for May the 4th ! LOL

  5. I probably used this joke last year but its so good, why not bring it back! May the 4th is basically the same day as any other in the Stone household haha! The latest rebels look very nice. Its hard to believe you don't have any other Star Wars minis kicking around. Its probably time to start on your next Star Wars diorama then! I'd love to see you do something set on Endor, if you're taking suggestions!

    1. Thank you Jeff, and your still not wrong, it's just I like to play along with everyone else doing Star Wars on that particular day ! LOL I know it's hard to believe that I run out of Star Wars models during a year, but it does happen, just means I really need to do some more sculpting ! LOL Still got a lot more Tatooine to do before I start taking requests for other realms ! LOL

  6. Sounds like you need a new shelf to host all your upcoming cool minis! ;) These look great and a nice tribute to the Fourth! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, to be honest mate, I probably need about another 10 shelves with all I'd like to do ! LOL
