Monday 6 May 2024



So who could forget the classic scene shown above when Gandalf faces the Balrog, I've spent a lot of time recently rewatching this scene, in preparation to paint these two characters, and one thing I noticed was that the Balrog isn't glowing all over, but in sections, almost as if as if the skin is breaking open at points where the skin is tight due to movement. The other thing I noticed was his wings weren't solid and actually made of smoke (that's going to be fun to try and replicate ! LOL). With all of this in mind I pulled out my special edition Balrog ( you didn't know there was a special edition, it was released with all metal wings instead of plastic, and you can really feel the weight ), and looking at the basic model compared to the reference, it needed some work, first was his mohawk of flames, needed to spread across the shoulders and not just be a solid line, it also needed some small outbursts near it's elbows, these were all done  with greenstuff, I also greenstuffed the base to look like flagstones,  fitting the Mines of Moria.

When it came to the painting I started with all the flames and areas that would be cracking. I basecoated them GW Yriel Yellow, then put GW Iyanden Yellow contrast all over, for the tips I used GW Fuegan Orange Wash. For the hotter parts I started with GW Yriel Yellow, then Flash Gitz Yellow, and finished with GW Phalanx Yellow, making each layer smaller than the last. Once this was all done and fully dry I basecoated all the black including the wings, I highlighted the black with GW Covus Black, and some areas had some orange worked in as well, which I noticed in the reference picture (easier to see in hand than my terrible photo's ! LOL) For the smoky effect on the wings I used GW Apothecary white contrast, which I applied in a random fashion to give the illusion of smoke, this was a liitle too brigt on it's own so I layered GW nuln oil wash over the top to darken it back down.

Gandalf was a lot simpler and just tried to replicate the colours from reference pictures, pretty happy with how he turned out, and here is a shot of them facing off against each other, although I didn't build a casam for them ! LOL

So that covers my first submission for Monster May(hem) plus additional figure, hopefully I should have another to show next week, and I've got a couple more that I hope to do by the end of the month, so until next time stay safe, and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave


  1. Absolutely stunning! What a fabulous job Dave.

    1. Thank you Michael, this one was one of the few LOTR models that I had, once I got my head round the reference, it actually went quite quickly ! LOL

  2. Really? That's it? A measly Balrog? You think that qualifies as a monster, Dave? Well, think again. They're not monsters, they're corrupted Maiar. Jeez. Try harder. Don't come at me with this shit.
    :) Kidding, of course. Awesome job as always, my friend. The flames look fantastic, and you even managed to paint Gandalf too. If I know you, you aren't done yet. Looking forward to all your submissions!

    1. Thank you Keith, and yes you're right could be classed more as a Demon rather than a monster, but in my defence it is monstrous in size ! LOL
      If I can get them all finished I hope to have another 3 monsters completed before the end of the challenge, but we'll have to see how I go. Glad you like the flames as I've been trying to improve my recipe of them, so it seems it's working ! LOL

  3. One of my favourite models of all times. The flames are simply awesome, and I believe you made an outstanding job (the wings are made of metal? That's insane!). Pretty cool!

    1. Thank you Suber, one of mine too ! LOL really happy with how the flames turned out, both sculpting and painting. yes they were a pain to put together and required lots of pinning to keep them glued together ! LOL

    2. Yeah, I have to agree. This is an awesome model, one I wish I owned, and Dave did a fantastic job (as always). Hey Dave, any chance you'd sculpt a Balrog of your very own someday (and sell it in your shop)?

    3. Thank you Keith, it's not out of the realms of possibility, I'd have to call it a fire Demon, or something, to avoid being sued ! LOL Then it just falls down to the debate of wings or no wings ! LOL

  4. A classic mini and the flames came out really nicely. Do you have many more LOTR minis left to work on? If we can't get an Endor diorama out of you, surely we can get you to make Rivendell or Lothlorien? ;)

    With the passing of Bernard King, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about painting something LOTR but I don't have anything in my queue so perhaps I'll find something to work on down the road...

    1. Thank you Jeff, these are probably my favourite set of flames I've painted to date !LOL as for LOTR models left to do, there is over 50 on my desk with many more still in the box yet to be started, so no epic builds anytime soon ! LOL
      By coincidence one of the models on the desk is Theodan on horseback, so may have to get on and finish that one sooner rather than later as a fitting tribute to the man.

  5. Swords are of no more use here!

    Great job on the balrog. Gandalf too.
    There’s actually a big debate among Lotr nerds if the balrog actually had wings or not, because the text is not clear. But I come down on the side of wings bc wings are cool.

    1. Thank you Stewart, indeed they are not in this case ! LOL
      I ended up reading some of that when I was looking for reference pictures, I think Peter Jackson came up with a happy medium with the smoke and occasionally flames, as they were not wings in the traditional form, more of a a visual simulation ! Just a pain to try and paint it as such ! LOL

  6. That turned out great, Dave! One of my favorite scenes from the films and it was so amazing in the theater. I'd love to see those two go into a diorama, but I know that would take a lot more time. Maybe someday when you're bored? ;)

    1. Thank you Brian, such an iconic scene, and on the big screen was very impressive. Sorry no chance on the diorama, as I've already sold the Balrog, it was only on Ebay for 2 hours ! LOL

    2. That's awesome! Had I known it was going on eBay, I might have bid on it too! :D

    3. Unless stated all of the Lord of the Rings models are headed for Ebay, should help finance some more of my Star Wars project ! LOL

  7. Splendid looking Balrog and Gandalf, excellent finish, love the flames!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, Gandalf was pretty easy, just lots of grey, and the flames were fun to do, which is why they probably look good ! LOL

  8. Fantastic work, Dave! It definitely paid off to rewatch the scene, they look just like in the movie. I especially like the fire effect, looks very convincing.

    1. Thank you snapfit, research is always useful, and it helps that it's a very cool scene ! LOL I was most pleased with how the flames turned out, so glad everyone likes them.
