Monday 20 May 2024


 Occasionally my children's requests line up with current challenges, and this being one of them. My daughter wanted a vanity table that had a little shop of horrors theme to it, she started the process by creating what you see below, she made it out of air drying clay, and this was where the problems started, and dad was asked to sort it out ! LOL

When it arrived to me, the wall sections had cracked off, the vines were no longer attached, and it needed a head solution as well, plus painting. First I put all the bits back together, I also added some sand in the top of the flower pot, to look like soil, then painted it all to look like what you've already seen. Next was the head of the plant, I started with dense foam, and built the basic shapes for a top and lower jaw, this was all then protected by a layer of filler, which was then smoothed. Before fitting the two halves together I made teeth out of greenstuff, and then painted all the mouth, as it was a lot easier to get to at this stage. Once it was all dry, I put the two halves together, and filled the gap with more filler, then painted it. Last was the leaves, these were made from card, and stuck on, then before painting, a lyer of PVA glue was painted over them to give them some added strength, once dry they were painted, and now the table looks like this.

Hopefully the Grand daughter likes it as that is who it is for, that's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh, wow, this is awesome! Your versatility is fantastic, this is quite an impressive job!

    1. Thank you Suber, just a case of adapting to overcome the task ! LOL

  2. This post needs more lines from the movie. Now I have Suddenly Seamore in my head. I’ll be singing it all night.
    Great job with the plant. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, as it's been a very long time since I watched the movie, I didn't want to butcher any of the quotes ! LOL sorry about the song on loop ! LOL

  3. Thank you Michael, my children certainly give me a varied set of challenges ! LOL

  4. Oh man, that is too awesome! Love the paint job and model!

    1. Thank you Brian, my daughter gets half the credit, for the parts she constructed, I just fixed it and slapped some paint on ! LOL

  5. Very nice work, Dave! With a few slight tweaks, this is very similar to the piranha plant enemies in Super Mario Bros!

    1. Thank you Jeff, funnily enough my son said that yesterday, so I knew what you are talking about ! LOL

  6. What a cool project, great work! I'm sure your granddaughter will love it.

    1. Thank you snapfit, I'm hoping she likes it too ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 08:03

    That is just class, Dave! :-) Brilliant!

    1. Thank you John, my children do give me some interesting challenges ! LOL
