Friday 24 May 2024


 No I'm not starting another project, these models are part of a commission for one of my regular customers, wait you didn't know I did mode3l painting on commission, that's probably because I don't advertise the fact ! LOL My client has sent through quite an eclectic bunch of models, which will keep things interesting for me. The first four models all have an animal theme to them, the first being a Fox from Burrows and Badgers, really enjoyed painting this one.

Next we have a Ferret from Burrows and Badgers, went for one of the more interesting colour schemes on the Ferret.

Next is a Red Panda Martial Artist, not sure where this one comes from, but was fun to paint.

Last is a Basti from Wargods, as it had an Egyptian feel to the model, I went for the colours often shown for Bastet.

Here is a group shot of all four to show the size comparison between all four.

there will be more models from this commission to come, as I have another 10 to complete, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. Burrows and Badgers is a very enticing game because the minis look fun to paint and great on the tabletop. I think you did very nicely for your client on these. The fur looks very realistic to my eyes. I'll be looking forward to seeing more when you get around to them!

    1. Thank you Jeff, several of the blogs I follow have shown lots of these models over the years, so was fun to have a go on some. even though they are fantasy models I wanted to add a sense of realism to the animals, so checked out the markings and colours before starting.

  2. Oh, they all look great! The fox is maybe my favourite one, but I love them, what a change of subject!

    1. Thank you Suber, the fox was the first one I completed, just had to do those markings on him ! LOL Joy of doing commissions, never know what you might end up doing, and likely something you wouldn't normally do.

  3. As we know from every kids movie ever made; animals doing human things are a lot of fun.
    I’ve always liked the B&B miniature range but haven’t really been taken with the rules or gameplay.
    Nice job on these. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, always fancied having a go and painting some, but didn't want to start another gaming system, this scratched that itch nicely ! LOL

  4. Really cool models and great paint job too! The fur looks especially good and quite realistic.

    1. Thank you snapfit, I slowly build up the colours of the markings with washes, find it gives a more natural feel at this scale.

  5. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 08:06

    A good selection there Dave and all really nice! :-) I think the fox has to be my favourite (he looks a bit like our Dash)!

    1. Thank you John, if I was painting it for myself I'd have probably painted it like Angel, as she has a foxy look to her ! LOL Perhaps we should all do a model to represent our pets as a challenge (maybe not as there is so many challenges already ! LOL)

  6. First off, really nice paints on some really nice looking models. I've seen a few anthropomorphic fantasy characters/minis, and have contemplated adding them to our own D&D game. I'm on the fence still, but maybe someday. It looks like most of these are 32mm, guessing from the base size? Though Basti might be 28mm?

    1. Thank you Brian, I've made a few in my time, like the Weird Wild West ones a few years ago, and they could easily make some interesting characters in D&D . You are spot on with your sizing, I believe in Burrows and Badgers, they have several sizes, but can't remember if the fox is a large or medium.
