Monday 13 May 2024


 I've realised there are more Uruk Hai than a sane person would attempt, but I've never been accused of being sane, so I've finished a few more, and have another 20 more on the painting desk with many more to go ! LOL First on show today is a standard bearer, took a while to find a decent reference picture from the movie, rather than other sources, but glad I pushed on with the initial thought.

Next is a captain, which you saw a few in the movies.

Last today is a Shaman, which obviously didn't appear in the movies, but is from the Tolkien foundation licence, you can see GW's standard approach creeping in again (skulls anyone) ! LOL

Need a break from all things Tolkien, so may well do something totally different this week, while still working on some more monsters, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. They all look great, but you're rightm, GW couldn't resist to skulls!! :O

    1. Thank you Suber, it's almost like an obsession with them ! LOL

  2. Nice work, Dave! Seeing these reminds me of the attention to detail they put into these movies. The armor and weapons of the Orcs is so cool. So are the Elves and Humans too, but the Orcs had a very primal and alien look which made them more unique.

    1. Thank you Brian, yes there was obviously a lot of thought gone into each races design, to enhance each races attributes, and the Orcs and Uruk's were very primal and brutish fitting their persona.

  3. Good luck getting all those done. Nice start. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, hopefully my trick of breaking them down into smaller groups will help, but we'll have to see ! LOL

  4. Great work on these character/leader minis, Dave! Funnily enough, these are probably more valuable individually and as a group since they're heroes in the game. Hopefully a little break gets you itching to paint more of Saruman's army too :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, I've listed them separately on Ebay, and already sold the standard bearer, so you are spot on with your recommendation. Lot's more already on the desk in various states, so wouldn't be surprised if you see more before too long.

  5. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 07:55

    Very nice, Dave! :-) I particularly like the captain!

    1. Thank you John, I think the captain model, is very underated, but perfect for what it's supposed to represent.
