Monday 27 May 2024


 Been a pretty busy weekend getting the rest of my customers commission finished, and was a very eclectic mix. First up is a set of six Vikings these are metal models.

Gone for colours that I could find that would be fitting for period Vikings. Next is a fantasy Paladin, this is a resin model.

Next is a Fantasy Thug, this is also a resin model.

Next is a Reaper Bones Wraith, this is my first bones model I've ever painted, and can see why so many people moan about the material ! LOL

Last today is a metal crocodile, my client asked if I could add a base to it, so I've made it as if it's moving so it could then be placed on other water features and be moved.

That's all for today, next time I hope to have my final submission for Monster May(hem), if I can get it finished in time, so until then stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Great work all around! I like how the base gives the crocodile a sense of movement.

    1. Thank you snapfit, when my client asked for a base for it, I didn't want it to be boring, so found a reference picture of a crocodile swimming, I like how it turned out.

  2. Right, what an eclectic batch! They all look great, but the crocodile is my favourite, I love how you blended colours there. A Vikings vs crocodiles fight would be something to see! Just saying...

    1. Thank you Suber, the crocodile certainly gave me a few challenges, so I would probably say it's my favourite because of the way it pushed my skills ! LOL Afraid they are already boxed up ready to go back to my client.

  3. how big is the crocodile? It looks spot on but is contextless. It might be the monster from Jumanji or just a baby...
    good job all around. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, glad the Vikings meet your approval, as for the crocodile, it is 4 inches long, so not massive, but a decent size to take a bite out of any adventurer.

  4. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 08:09

    All very nice! :-) You've definitely got the look of the crocodile in the water spot on I think!

    1. Thank you John, they were all interesting to paint, as they weren't something I would normally paint, but I do like the crocodile the most.

  5. Some nice minis, Dave! Do you happen to know the manufacturer for the Viking minis? Was the Reaper mini, the white Bones plastic? If so, I tend to avoid it.The Bones Black is still affordable and easier to work with, though I've ran into rather obstinate mould lines at times.

    1. Thank you Brian, unfortunately the packaging didn't have a name of the company on it. Yes it was a white bones, and being as the client had bought it, I didn't have a lot of choice ! LOL Luckily enough I'd read enough about how difficult it was so used other peoples tricks like coating it in varnish, and a bit of superglue, to strengthen the scythe.

  6. Very nice variety across all of these minis, which if you're anything like me, probably helped motivate you to get them done. I really like the Vikings out of this bunch. They look straight out of the history books to my untrained eye!

    1. Thank you Jeff, it certainly made it interesting, and also a nice challenge, as it's not my normal type of models. I did look up about Vikings and the colours before starting them, as that was one of the things my client said that he wanted them to look historical.
