Friday 17 May 2024


 Sorry no Cylons here, just another finished command group for my Night Hawks chapter, this is for the 1st company the Wing Knights. The entire company is assault marines with jump packs, so the command group needed to represent this, and I also wanted something to show the name knights, I had thought about getting some Grey Knights, to use the heads, and I may well do in the future, but on these I just changed the helmets with a bit of greenstuff. First up is the medic, this was my original medic, which I later replaced, as I made the other command groups, so it was spare, I changed some of the conversion, and gave it a repaint.

Next is the standard bearer, I've given him a combat standard, so less likely to get in the way, the model itself is a kitbash.

the last one I needed was a standard trooper, which was another kitbash.

Here they are with the two I had previously completed for the squad.

I wanted their jump packs to stand out from standard ones, so added the company motto on to them " Death Before Dishonour" 

While I was in the mood for kitbashing, I made a Tech Marine, using mostly parts from the vehicle crew you normally get with most vehicles, and then used a metal tech arm, and a custom made Storm Hammer.

This means I only need to do one more command group for the second company, which are all on jetbikes, can't decide on using the jetbike I made, or getting some of the Imperial Custodes ones, but that's a decission for another day, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Very nice work on this eclectic bunch! Ironically, I would do much better painting 3-4 Uruk Hai in a row than I would 3-4 marines. I've only painted one as a display project several years ago now and never again after that! :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, as in my life I've painted more marines than I have Uruk's I'm the opposite, most of the time it's just muscle memory now ! LOL I try not to count how many more I need to do, as that would be scary ! ROFL

  2. Some cool space marines there. Nice job.
    I like the addition of the scroll on the packs. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, w2anted something to make them stand out, without over powering the whole model, and making it too fussy.

  3. Very fun; nice conversions/hand work. Congrats on your results here!

    1. Thank you DAM, most of this army is converted or kitbashed, and is the oldest army I still have, but I only work on it occasionally, as it's my long term project ! LOL

  4. I really like the Medic. I guess I didn't even know they had medic Space Marines. I always assumed they were so tough, that they don't need any! ;P Nice work all around!

    1. Thank you Brian, medics are a very important part of the Space Marine chapters, as they have to retrieve certain glands from fallen Marines to create new marines later.

  5. Thank you snapfit, fun to do, and another set finished ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 07:59

    Nicely done, Dave! :-) Just as well you've said some are kitbashed because I can't tell! I do like the medic!

    1. Thank you John, always the sign of good conversions if you can't tell ! LOL I like him too.
