Thursday 30 May 2024


 For my last entry for Monster May(hem) I decided to paint a Dragon I've had for almost 20 years now, it is made from a form of wood pulp that has been set in shape, on top of a real log, my oldest children got it for me as a Christmas present, and the dragon came prepainted, but was a very basic black with a wet brush dark grey over the top, and attracted a lot of dust, so a repaint was long overdue.

I now like the colour scheme a lot more, I used purple as the base, and orange in the highlight colour, to give some strong contrast. This also counts for Keith's other challenge Year of the Dragon, as some will ask it stands 13 inches tall, and the dragon itself is 10 inches long.

Next time I feel an itch to do some more Star Wars, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. I love it! I love it so much! Your scheme makes it stand out, and it has quite a medieval vibe on the whole. Really nice job :)

    1. Thank you Suber, I hadn't noticed the medieval vibe until you mentioned it, but now totally see that, perhaps I should have gone for red ! LOL

  2. That's a great dragon! It's got a 70s Fantasy vibe to it. Would look awesome on a shelf or bookcase. I'd even trade it for our cat, lol!

    1. Thank you Brian, funnily enough it's normal place is on a shelf in my dining room with several other dragons, and the shelf above is lizards and frogs ! LOL

  3. Know what I love most about this, Dave? It's not that it looks great (it does), or that it has a cool story, being gifted to you from your kids long ago (It is). It's that at age 51, after painting miniatures for over 40 years, I can (and do) still learn so much from hobbyists like you. I never in a million years would have used purple as a basecoat and highlighted with green. It looks so great I'm totally stealing this for something. Not sure what yet, but something. Thanks so much for taking part again. Your stuff is, as always an inspiration.

    1. Thank you Keith, can't take the credit for the ideas of the colours, took them straight off an artists colour wheel using the triad system marked on it, these are relatively cheap, and can be very useful for strong contrasting colours, it's what traditional artists use. If you look closely at old masters paintings they use a lot of green in flesh work, which always surprises me ! LOL

  4. That's a very nice looking dragon and you used an excellent color scheme on it as well. It is a lovely gift that your kids gave. If it were me, I'd be tempted to add a bit off moss flock to the tree just to add some visual variety but I can understand wanting to leave it as is too. And some Star Wars up next? I'll be curious to see what you have up your sleeve!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I've shown the pictures to my children and they approve of the new colours ( that was lucky ! LOL). I'll see what my wife thinks of the moss idea as it lives in our dining room. hopefully should have a few surprises over the next month for Star Wars ! LOL

  5. Great job. Only 20 years in the making huh?
    Somehow, the dragon has a somewhat sad expression. Nice to see something else besides the snarling. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, as it came prepainted, it was never high on the list, but felt the original colours didn't do it justice ! LOL
      It reminds me of a young dragon, probably trying to hide from those mean knights trying to wipe out it's kind ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish1 June 2024 at 13:39

    That's excellent, Dave! :-) Sometimes I find larger models much harder to get right than smaller ones, but this just looks the part!

    1. Thank you John, indeed larger models can seem daunting, with the amount of surface area that needs covering, and smoother blends needed, but with it's deep detail this one was relatively easy, just the weight and awkwardness slowed me up ! LOL
