Monday 5 February 2024



When I got the crashed X-Wing for Christmas, I couldn't decide to paint it for this current challenge or wait for the Season of Scenery challenge, well as you can tell I ended up not waiting and painting it now, as it made a nice change from painting lot's of troops. Below is close up pictures of each individual section.

I had considered adding some dust effect, but in the end stuck with just the grime you see above. I've also got a unit finished as well, a squad of Stormtroopers I've gone with my normal dirty look, and added shoulder epaulets, I also changed the arms around on four of them to add some variation to the first squad I painted some time ago.

I've still got another squad to paint, and I think I will still need to add to my Imperial forces, as they don't have the numbers of all the rebels I have. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. That's not taking off again any time soon! Great job Dave, love the additions to the stormtroopers too.

    1. Thank you Michael, I think it's Jawa scrap now ! LOL was a fun piece to do, they just need to bring out a TIE fighter wreck now, but I have found a 3D print one if they don't ! LOL Just trying to add some variation, so I don't end up with 6 or 7 of the same pose if I can help it.

  2. Wait a minute, so the X-Wing actually came like that? And you didn't return it?! Haha, just kidding...but really, I didn't know they sold a crashed X-Wing kit, that's pretty cool! I actually bought a spaceship that I was planning on breaking into pieces to make some SciFi/Stargrave terrain. Oh man, I just noticed the poor astromech droid too! The stormtroopers look great as well! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, I think it came out over a year ago now, a few years back my inlaws got me an X-Wing and TIE fighter kit, and my original plan was to make them into crashed vehicles, but as they got me the deluxe kits I couldn't bring myself to cut them up ! LOL It has lots of great details on there, but it is an expensive kit. Glad I've got the recipe down now for knocking these out as I need a lot more yet ! LOL

  3. I wonder what the insurance is going to say! Apart from that I believe it's a great piece and I love the work on the Stormtroopers too!

    1. Thank you Suber, I don't think they'll take a tree jumped out at me as an excuse on this one ! LOL lot's more to come as well ! LOL

  4. what scale is the Xwing? should be cool to have on a table.
    nice job on he STs, though you'll definitely need more. I recently was watching something Star Warsy and these guys die in droves all the time.

    1. Thank you Stewart, it's pretty close to the 1:34 th scale kit I have, and could be the start or end of many scenarios as well.
      You're right on needing a lot more, I probably need to double or triple the amount I already have, to compensate for the number of rebels I have, and they do make such good cannon fodder ! LOL

  5. Ah glad to see the X-Wing, it came out really nice, should be a very fun bit of terrain to play around.

    1. Thank you SD, it was fun to paint, if a little time consuming as I needed to paint it as intact before weathering it up, but worth it. Should make for a lot of cool scenarios or just be a really cool piece of scenery ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish7 February 2024 at 11:25

    I like the (remains of an) X-Wing! :-) Looks really good! And you can't beat classic stormtroopers (even I consider them classic, despite the fact that the Germans invented them in 1918 and I've got models of them)!

    1. Thank you John, The X-Wing is such an iconic design, that has stood the test of time, George Lucas was very clever with the imagery he used and names that people could instantly identify with them ! LOL

  7. Yeah, I can't see even Yoda putting that X-Wing back together again, Dave, LOL!!! Nice work on the distressing damage. It looks thoroughly smoked to me. I also think your Stormtroopers are top-notch, especially as you went to all the time and effort to swap around their arms.

    1. Thank you Simon, Yoda is better at recovering from swamps than putting it back together ! LOL I did my normal vehicle weathering than added a few more layers, to really bring out the distress in it ! LOL I thought the arm swops would add a little variation, so I don't end up with too many looking the same ! LOL

  8. The terrain looks great but I think the Stormtroopers might be even better. You did a great job on the weathering on them which is not easy to do. The question is, can they actually hit anything with their blasters besides moisture farmers and jawas? :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, Rogue One came in handy for the terrain as well, giving a good reference point ! LOL the weathering became a lot easier when I switched from wash to glaze to achieve it, as it was more subtle. As for stormtroopers being able to hit anything only time will tell ! LOL

  9. A great looking squad of TKs, and congrats to the GTAM operator for taking down that filthy rebel scum flier. Quite the impressive looking trophy for the squad!
