Monday 26 February 2024


 Back in the 1990's Games Workshop started a monthly comic called Warhammer Monthly ( original name ! LOL) it had stories from all their realms in it, some being single episode stories, while others ran over multiple issues. One of the stories was called Demonifuge, and in it we met a character called Ephral Stern, who was a sister of Battle, but with some questions about whether she had been tainted by Chaos. GW have released a couple of models for her for 40K the limited edition one I had I gave to a friend, along with all the other sisters models I had, when his army got stolen, so never got round to painting her, but I do have a collector series version by Forgeworld that is 4 inches tall ( or 100 cm) and decided to paint her for my challenge and also Fembruary.

Not much else to add, as there was no conversion, and painting wise, tried to do the best I could within the standard colours she is shown in, that's all for this post, hoping to get one more in before the end of the month, but will see how that goes, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Lovely work, I bought the magazines when they came out and on that basis got the graphic novel, great little story and nice work on your weapon against chaos!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, I did exactly the same ! LOL I did like the later addition of Pariah, which was an interesting character in it's own right. I was really happy with how the cloak came out, which looks a bit muted in the pictures compared to in hand.

  2. John@justneedsvarnish26 February 2024 at 10:44

    That's a nice mini, Dave! :-) The colours work well for me! Not too sure how practical the cloak and the pack are if that's some form of jump pack! ;-)

    1. Thank you John, with the black white and red, it's a tried and tested recipe ! LOL No jump capability with this back pack, just air purification ! LOL

  3. Nice looking figure, and congrats on not giving in to the temptation to paint a large scale mini as a statue haha

    1. Thank you SD, Forgeworld did some really nice models in their collector series, and wish I'd got more ! LOL I only paint a model as a statue if that's what I built it as ! LOL

  4. That definitely looks like something out of the 90s. Retro cool. Even I was kinda cool in the 90s. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, and to think they haven't changed the design since then ! LOL We just wont talk about what I was like in the 90's ! LOL

  5. This has a wonderful old school vibe to it. Lovely job Dave.

    1. Thank you Michael, the one bit I may revisit is around the eyes to give them a bit more depth with some shadow.

  6. Oh, the memories! I remember both the comics and this model, I think you made justice to sister Stern, cool job!

    1. Thank you Suber, glad I could take you on a trip down memory lane, she was such a cool character wasn't she.

  7. That's an interesting one! I wonder if I'd recognize any of the artists on the Warhammer Monthly comic?!

    1. Thank you Brian, I imagine there is a lot of names you would recognise, I'll have a look back for you and see what I can find.

  8. Loved that comic, Dave. But it became increasingly difficult to get hold off, even at the local Games Workshop stores - so I eventually gave up on it. You've done a great job on Ephral Stern, and it's nice to see you go the route I'd have been tempted to tackle - and simply do her as a stone/brass statue. LOL!! I was a bit surprised GW didn't have Marvel Comics resurrect her for their 5-issue Warhammer 40k: Sister of Battle mini-series in 2022. That whole deal seems to have died a death now, but at the time I thought it was a great opportunity wasted to bring back some of those old popular characters for some new stories.

    1. Thank you Simon, even though I worked in a store at the time, there were some months where I was chasing it up, I think they were trying to get more subscriptions that way. Always knew I wanted to paint her properly, and the statue route never came into my mind ! LOL Sounds like they missed a golden opportunity, but not surprised though ! LOL

  9. That's an interesting backstory! Warhammer would do well to have comics as the all-action stories they favor would fit well there.

    The mini is an interesting and kind of strange sculpt. She looks like she's got 80's style shoulder pads on and the cape is absolutely massive. The back of it is hard to paint realistically as well. You did a great job painting her up. To me, this mini shows how far GW has advanced in their sculpting.

    1. Thank you Jeff, their books have done a lot better than their comics, which is a shame as some of the stories were awesome.
      Sisters are a throwback to the 80's with the shape of their shoulder pads, as is the bob haircut (though that keeps coming back in !LOL )There is a lot more variation in colour on the cape in hand, it's my poor photography skills I'm afraid, but agree that cape is way to long ! LOL

  10. Great looking Statue done in the Ancient Greek style! ;)
    Painting it like this makes it something cool to put on the shelf as well as use in a game. You've actually made me think now (!) A lot of those Joy Toy Warhammer figures would make for amazing statues, etc at a fraction of the cost of a GW terrain kit. You;d just need to cover (most of) the articulation points...

    1. Thank you Azazael, I hadn't thought of using it as a statue, just a collectors piece, but as you say would work well as a statue as well. They would certainly be a lot cheaper than any GW terrain piece ! LOL
