Monday 19 February 2024


 For me this isn't true, as soon as they released the X-34 Landspeeder, I knew I wanted one, and put it on my wish list each year, and this year I got one. I've gone with the colour of Luke's and adjusted the driver to look more like Luke, by adding his poncho, and changing the legs to match Luke's attire.

I've gone for the weathered look you see in the movie, and I'm happy with the end result. As I now have two sets of barriers that you get with the Legion core box set, I thought it was about time I finished the first set, there are two types in the box, and I've only done one with graffiti on it.

This next set of four is the other type, the one with graffiti in this set was painted a while ago, but needed the control panel on the back to be finished, and match the next three.

That's all for today, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh, wow, I think I'm in love!! That speeder is absolutely fantastic, I love how you worked on it all, including Luke. Top notch work!

    1. Thank you Suber, for such an iconic piece, thought it needed a little bit more ! LOL I've just found another classic speeder from the same film, so hopefully I can give it the same treatment.

  2. Spot on with catching the look from the movie.
    It always made me smile to think that in the future when they have cool landspeeders people still just park them outside and let them get all dirty just like I do with my car. People who rode around in chariots probably think we’re all ridiculous. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, I was able to find pictures of the vehicle sat in someone's garage, which helped a lot with the cockpit colours as you don't see a lot of that in the movie.
      Dirt and dust are the same whichever time period we are in, and it was one of the things that made the realm believable for me ! LOL But whichever time we are looking at, there will always be that one person, with their dust cover, that spends their entire Saturday cleaning and polishing their vehicle ! LOL

  3. Lovely looking speeder, it matches really well, almost to the point where it would be cool to try the mirror trick they used in the movie to make it look like it was floating.

    1. Thank you SD, spent a lot of time looking at pictures and pausing the movie, to try and get it right, nice idea on the mirrors, but that might be a step to far for me ! LOL

  4. Terrific work, Dave. Your top paint-work constantly reminds me that I really need to get going on some of my own Star Wars models. LOL!!

    1. Thank you Simon, this one was quite challenging, to get the right colours, and weathering, but I enjoy a challenge ! LOL Does mean when you get around to yours I can recommend the right colours ! LOL

  5. Now that is some top-level work! You've captured the look of the landspeeder really well and I appreciate the effort you put in to including Luke as well. Those barricades are also really nice. I love the graffiti you added to them. It adds a lot of character! Down with the Empire!

    1. Thank you Jeff, to think I used to hate painting vehicles as I couldn't get them how I wanted them to look, gaining new skills proved to be worth it's weight in Gold ! LOL I have another set to paint, but I might wait a while before attempting them, and the graffiti is my nod to Star Wars Rebels, and who doesn't like anti establishment slogans ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish24 February 2024 at 05:16

    That is one grubby looking speeder, Dave (and it's cleaner than my car)! :-) Really does look the part!

    1. Thank you John, it's probably actually a bit cleaner than the film version ! LOL With all the flooding we've had recently it's a lot cleaner than my car too ! LOL

  7. All these cool Star Wars minis are making me think about picking up a Star Wars mini game again! No, must resist....!

    1. Thank you Brian, and come to the dark side we have cookies ! LOL

  8. Lovely looking Landspeeder! Marouda got me the OOP 6-inch Black Series one for Christmas after I was randomly talking about how it was one of my own favourite Star Wars vehicles after I got the Kenner 3 3/4 one as a child!
    You've certainly done justice to the old beast!

    1. Thank you Azazael, as soon as they released the model I knew I wanted one, if not the way they men't it to be used ! LOL That was a awesome gift from Marouda, and must have been difficult to find for a reasonable price, as a lot of the OOP stuff is crazy prices.
