Sunday 11 June 2023


 I think I've managed to save the end of my finger, and it hasn't really slowed me up too much, as I've now finished Quinch to join the party. The worst part on this model was all the studs on his belt and wrist bands, they were so time consuming, and a few places were very difficult to get to.

I couldn't work out what all the badges were supposed to be, so just followed the lines that were in the artwork. On a previous post Phil asked if I was going to do Pulger, at the time I was undecided, but as Phil asked I decided to get him done as well.

All the flowers on the Night Gown were a pain, but as it was in the art  I knew I needed to include it. I've got one more small element that needs to be finished (the bowl of Rippy Fish) then fit everything to the base, hopefully I can get that done in time for the next post, so until then, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. I'm so in awe of your sculpting skills that I sometimes forget what a great painter you are, too. I would go mad trying to paint those flowers, and there's no way I would have any kind of consistency. Despite knowing nothing about these characters, I'm floored by how good they look!

    1. Thank you Keith, I do like to throw out the odd surprise when I can ! LOL freehand is not something I do a massive amount of, so was good to get in lots of practice with these models. Glad you're enjoying these, as they are some great characters in my opinion.

  2. This project is so different to the stuff I'm used to that I'm totally mesmerised. Amazing job, seriously

    1. Thank you Suber, it's been fun to something completely different, and glad you've enjoyed it as much as I have.

  3. Great job on the painting Dave. It all looks really nice. 😀

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Phil, after your comment I had to include Pulger, so hoped you'd like him.

  5. Super stuff, Dave. All those badges, flowers and skin blemishes really show off an incredible attention to detail. Awe-inspiring painting.

    1. Thank you Simon, it feels like a labour of love sometimes, but if I just approach each bit as I get to it, it didn't seem such a big task ! LOL

  6. You are just powering through this project mate! All the small details and freehand would have me reaching for the whiskey!

    1. Thank you Dai, I'm hoping Wednesday will see it complete, then I can get back into some Star Wars creations, and I've found a really obscure robot for my first one ! LOL

  7. Nice work Dave! You're really giving those paint brushes a workout with these! Looking forward to seeing them all together! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, I do like to use these challenges to push myself further each time, it's a good why to get new or improved skills for the smaller models.

  8. There's just so much to like in both these models (and the others too of course) that it's obvious you're a martyr to your hibby (finger n all too), Great stuff Dave,

    1. Thank you Joe, definitely a glutton for punishment ! LOL I'm currently painting star halo's after Jeff's excellent suggestion.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish12 June 2023 at 10:47

    These are brilliant Dave, literally and metaphorically! :-) I love seeing all those bright colours and freehand painting that I never bother with!

    1. Thank you John, it is a big contrast from the normal stuff I paint too, as I tend either very dark colour schemes or natural tones, so it's been a challenge at times, but I've enjoyed it.

  10. That's good news on the finger and its hard to believe it slowed you down much. This latest guy looks great!

    1. Thank you Jeff, found work arounds to keep up the momentum, the finger is scarring well, and another to add to the collection ! LOL Gave me a few new challenges to contend with.
