Sunday 30 April 2023


 No I'm not talking about saving a crashed PC, but a Tech marine for my Night Hawk Chapter. In version 1 and 2 of 40K Tech Marines were a individual choice, by 3rd Edition they became an option in a command squad, then later they went back to being an individual choice again. This Tech was originally built when he was part of a command group, And I had converted it to fit in with scout armour, as this now no longer fits, I needed to make him look more like a standard Tech Marine, the legs were from the first metal MK 7 armour released and the arms came from some of the plastic arms released.

As you can see from the WIP pics below, I added quite a bit of greenstuff to bring together the overall look.

I have some other Tech Marine parts to be salvaged and brought back into service at some point. 

In other news I have reached over 100000 views, when I started this blog back in 2019, I never dreamed I would ever get that many views, so a huge thank you to all who have dropped in over the years.

That's all for this post, next time will be some Star Wars, and then onto Monster May(hem), so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Lovely blast from the past, Dave. Big fan of the Tech Marines - used to love the prayers they'd say to try to resurrect a vehicle, as opposed to putting a spanner to them. LOL!!! Congrats on the milestone for the blog too. Well done!!! :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, Techs were always my favourite, and one of my managers at GW always refered to me as his Tech, for all the bits I created for him ! LOL I'm always surprised at the interest my little blog gets ! LOL

  2. Great conversion, I love how you integrated the bits and managed to get such a pose. Fantastic job!

    1. Thank you Suber, the hand tilt was a accident, as I thought it had dried straight, but on returning found it had twisted, and he looked a bit gangsta, being an energy weapon, I guess he doesn't have to worry about recoil ! LOL

  3. Wow, lots of little green stuff details there! Will be interesting to see him get painted up! Here's to the next 100,000 views! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, not the largest amount of green I've used but a fair amount ! LOL, the painted pictures are at the top, and I'm calling this one done again ! LOL

    2. Oh, how dumb of me! I didn't realize you started us off with the finished mini! I guess the lack of the 'tech backpack' in the latter pics made me think I was looking at a different mini. Maybe I need to start drinking coffee in the morning again! ;)

    3. No problem Brian, you could have easily thought it was the original before I changed it, unfortunately I didn't have a picture of before I took it apart ! LOL

    4. I know how that goes! My first big conversion was my Blood Bowl Deathroller and I was really proud how that turned out. But I thought I lost all those pics and I was so bummed. Luckily, I ended up finding most of the conversion photos I took, in a random folder on my hard drive. But there are a lot of times, I'll just get to working and completely forget to take any pics at all.

    5. For me I didn't realise people were actually interested in the WIP photos until Roger said, and as I'm not great at photography I do the bare minimum of photos ! LOL If you chat to anyone who's seen the models in real life, my photography doesn't do them justice ! LOL

  4. Great conversion and even if I know nothing about the tech marines I reckon this would fit the bill as he's just so overloaded with kit.

    1. Thank you Joe, you're not wrong about the Tech's carrying a lot of kit, ! LOL

  5. All praise the Omnissiah!

    Excellent greenstuff mate on a really cool looking Techie.

    1. Thank you Dai, I really like the older models, the mega harness they have now was a step too far for me, and only have the one ! LOL The rest of the bits I have to resurrect are also old school techs.

  6. congrats on 100,000. it ALL can't be bots. LOL 😀
    Tech Marine looks cool, though I have no idea how one with a giant metal robot arm on their back would be able to walk upright or keep their balance....

    1. Thank you Stewart, I'll guarantee some of it is ! LOL If you go by the fluff, the servo assisted armour helps, and gyro stabilisers too, me I just like painting hazard chevrons ! LOL

  7. Great looking tech marine!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, another one done, need a few more though ! LOL

  8. Very cool sculpting and conversion work on this Tech Marine, Dave. I've always liked the idea of the Tech Marines but I feel like GW's sculpts are a bit lacking in something. The little touches like the gears on the leg armor really look great and might just be what GW's sculpts are missing!

    1. Thank you Jeff, the first tech's that GW sculpted in this style had a lot of these details, but the later ones lost some of the charm, just trying to bring back the old school style.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 05:18

    Nice work, Dave! :-) If you hadn't shown the WIP shots I'd never have realised how much extra work you put into to this guy! And well done on your blog milestone (I had to count along the zeroes with my finger to work out how many it was)!

    1. Thank you John, that is high praise indeed if you couldn't see the work in the painted version, funny enough I did the same with the number ! LOL

  10. Great conversion, Dave - looks to me like that's the old "metal torso" techmarine from a very old version of the command squad from... 3rd(?) edition? Well, you've still beaten me to painting that model - and with a ton of cool converted & sculpted details added to boot!
    A big congrats on the 100k views as well! It's funny how that happens, isn't it? :)

    1. Thank you Azazael, you are spot on with where the torso comes from, and was the only drawback was the legs were just plain plastic legs, the metal ones I used gives it additional weight and less likely to topple.
      When I started this blog, never imagined it would get to that number, and that is down to all the excellent people who visit.
