Friday 21 April 2023


 Droids that is ! LOL Yes I've painted a couple more Power Droids for Star Wars.

The GONK power droid is based on the Rebel courier from Star Wars Rebels EG-86 simple enough colour scheme to copy.

The PLUNK droid was a colour scheme I found online, but don't know where from, at a guess I would say the Clone Wars cartoon series.

This brings my totals up to 4Gonk droids, and 2 PLUNK droids, so will probably still need to do some more at some point, but I would really like to get some R3's done as I have none, as they need clear domes, will have to see what I can come up with. That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Who doesn't love a Gonk droid..!!! I particularly like the green and red paint scheme PLUNK droid. I have a ton of free STLS of Star Wars robots and need to print some out at some point. Great work Dave.

    1. Thank you Simon, it always surprises me how many droids are wandering around in the background of the original films, and the new live action series, so want to replicate that on my set up, one day I'll have enough ! LOL There are a lot of droids I still need to add in as well, some are singles that only appear in certain places and others pop up all over the place, so should keep me busy for a while. Is it the main ones you see, that you've got on file, or do you have some of the more obscure ones ?

  2. The more droids the more Star Wars a table will look! Nice new additions mate.

    1. Thank you Dai, that was totally my thinking, as you see them wandering around all over the place ! LOL

  3. Right, just what you are saying, you see them populating all the worlds and ships all the time, but they are so underrepresented in games! Droid visibility!

    1. Thank you Suber, you're not wrong on how often they appear in the franchise, but as wargames tend to focus on combatants the droids get overlooked, or just an objective marker, I hope to change that in my games.

  4. And here I was expecting to see some He-Man miniatures! ;) Truthfully, that was a little before my time so I'm glad to see some Gonk droids instead. These latest ones look great and I'm curious how many you have now in your collection. I wouldn't be surprised if you currently have the world's largest Gonk droid miniature collection, especially since you're having to sculpt them yourself!

    1. Thank you Jeff, sorry to mislead with the title ! LOL I currently have 4 gonks and two plunks, anbd over 50 various other types of droids, but there are a few individual ones I still need and some that appear multiple times that I also need. Once I've made the first one I take a mould and cast as many as I want, sometimes adding extra details, but normally just painting them in different colours.

  5. That’s a misleading title and you KNOW IT. 😀

    1. Sorry Stewart, I will endeavour to make my titles better ! LOL

  6. Great work on both versions matey, you know you've got me keeping an eye out for different droids in stuff now, like did you notice the more streamlined version of a power droid in the "Droid Bar" in the Mandalorian episode a few weeks back? There were also a couple of rather nice metallic blue versions of a R2 and Threepio in that episode too. 😁 oh well more work for you I guess.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, welcome to the droid appreciation society, your DAS membership is in the post ! LOL I did indeed notice them the power droid was very similar to the one in the first episode in the Imperial enclave, and I did like the metallic blue version, and all the extra shows are indeed keeping me busy with new things to build ! LOL

    2. well... this is the way, after all!

      Oh I'd love to join, in fact I'll join DAS pronto! (greenstuff joke!)

      Oh and leave the He-man references to us in the Masters of the universe appreciation society or MOTUAS (your membership is also in the post mate! 😁

      Cheers Roger.

    3. Indeed mate, this is the way
      LOL very good mate !
      Cool I get to join, normally people wont let me in ! ROFL

    4. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 05:09

      I must be showing me age since I did chortle at Roger's DAS pronto comment! :-)

    5. Happens to us all John, I'm afraid can't stop time ! LOL

  7. Lovely pair of droids!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, do enjoy doing the robots of this realm.

  8. Can never have too many Gonk Droids!! These ones look great and perfect on those sandy bases too.

    1. Thank you Brian, that is exactly my thinking can never have too many droids, and I do like the sand colour I've gone for, slightly more alien than in the movies and shows.

  9. These droids make me smile when I see them, very reminiscent of "huey Dewie and Louie" from "Dark star" (?) though I may the film name wrong.

    1. Thank you Joe, they do have a similar look don't they, and the film was Silent Running, but came out around the same time as Dark Star, possibly a bit earlier.

  10. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 05:08

    Nice droids, Dave! :-) The unsung heroes!

    1. Thank you John, indeed if the Empire got rid of droid ports, the rebellion would have a very hard job ! LOL
