Friday 14 April 2023


 Another Landspeeder Typhon today, I know it is a bit repetitive, but that's sometimes the way things go in this hobby ! LOL One part of the conversion I forgot to mention with the last one, was removal of the small blast shield, and cab bar, which all add to changing the look of the model.

Now for anyone who doesn't know what a standard one of these looks like I've included a picture below.

The third one probably wont be my next post, as I don't want to be predictable, plus I need to cast up some shoulder pads for the crew, so hopefully I can do something Star Wars instead, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. I love how different it looks with such subtle details. That's nice!

    1. Thank you Suber, sometimes subtle changes have the biggest impact, but still allow it to be easily recognisable ! LOL

  2. If you told me that this was the same speeder as the previous update, I would have believed it! I think you did a great job of keeping the color and paint scheme similar across these two models. Will there be a third speeder on the way or is this enough for your army? :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, I try to vary the pilots and gunners, just so no one says "didn't you show that one last time " !LOL There is a third for this squadron, and many more, as I have an entire company mounted in speeders, so just a few more to go, I'm about half way through.

  3. Nice work, thanks for the comparison photo for the more "Workshopped challenged" amongst us too!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, it's easy to forget, that not everyone knows all the different models we show, as the community is always gracious with it's comments ! LOL thought it would show all the difference easily.

  4. Far less clunky this way, I approve. Again. LOL

    Excited to see what you have been working on for next post!

    1. Thank you Dai, the hobby can be repetitive sometimes ! LOL Looking like it maybe some more tiny ships for the next post, but May should see a lot of variation, and a couple of big surprises hopefully ! LOL

  5. "Now for anyone who doesn't know what a standard one of these looks like I've included a picture below." - that would be me then.
    What a shock to the system the standard one is, though at least it hasn;t got skulls all over it !
    I must say I do prefer your versions/conversions,

    1. Thank you Joe, I realised that a lot of people didn't know what one looked like from my last post, so thought it was a good idea to include a reference picture. It is one of the few Space Marine vehicles that doesn't suffer from excessive skulls (probably one of the reasons I like it), removal of a lot of the bits makes it look less blocky, and gives it a sleeker profile, plus brings it more in line with the MK2

  6. John@justneedsvarnish18 April 2023 at 07:23

    Another nice model, Dave! :-) I think the open cab and missile pods re-arranged look much better the way you've got them!

    1. Thank you John, I tried to think of it from a design point of view, aerodynamic shape and explosives as far away from the crew as possible, a strange concept in 40K ! LOL

  7. Thanks for the original GW pic. It's cool to see the before/after, and I definitely like the changes you've made to the cab and the missile pods. Plus the paint job looks less Smurfy! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, my last post showed how many people didn't know what one looked like, so it was crucial to add to the post. I don't like painting space smurfs unless it's helms on bases, but that's a whole other story ! LOL

  8. Quite a difference to the standard Speeder, Dave, and I do prefer the way you've orientated the rocket pods, looks much better. It reminds me of a Land Rover once the SAS have gotten hold of it!

    1. Thank you Justin, worked on thee premise of don't reinvent the wheel, just make it more efficient, or sporty ! LOL The SAS boys are very good at making their equipment work for them.
