Thursday 6 April 2023


 Last post I showed how far I had got on the Dragonkin model, I have now finished the green of this model. My idea behind these is that Dragons evolving, if you think of a traditional Dragon would be a Great One, this type of Dragonkin would be a Trueborn the first evolution and the most powerful and in charge, and then another subset that no longer fly, smaller almost human sized that are the foot troops to a army. I may do some more to this army, as I've enjoyed doing this one. The armour I took inspiration from Egyptian armour, but I've added in some feathers with the helm, still undecided on what colours to paint it yet, as I want to do some blue gold armour, but I have the rest of the month to decided.

I will be moulding this at the same time as the Ogre, so it should be available soon, as will the Ogre for anyone doing the challenge. That's all for this post so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Always impressed with how you manipulate Green Stuff, Dave, and this is another great example of it. It's clear you;ve put some thought behind the dragon's appearance too.

    1. Thank you Simon, sometimes they come out just as I imagined, and other times they morph as the model progresses, as better ways present themselves, being willing to adapt certainly helps ! LOL Originally I was going to do Aztec armour, but just liked the feel of the Egyptian armour on the model.

  2. John@justneedsvarnish6 April 2023 at 09:59

    That's come out very nicely Dave! :-) I like the Egyptian styling and can imagine blue and gold armour looking really good!

    1. Thank you John, I enjoyed doing this one, I found a helm when researching the armour, that had a really nice blue gold on it, and instantly knew I wanted to use it on this model, just need to decide the scale colour for the dragon ! LOL

  3. Interesting sculpt Dave. I like him - a different take on how the dragon evolution could go.

    1. Thank you Dai, indeed if you can put a rationale behind it, it makes it more believable ! LOL

  4. I think the faces are coming out really nicely on the dragons, Dave. Taking inspiration from Egyptian armor is a great idea too. GW has certainly done it aplenty over the years and those minis are among my favorites that they make.

    1. Thank you Jeff, indeed art often imitates real life and sometimes vice versa, I had thought of using Aztec, but in the end the Egyptian won me over.

  5. Even naked in the green it’s a ferocious looking creature. 😀
    Well done.

    1. Thank you Stewart, now just need to decide on it's colours so he doesn't look so naked ! LOL

  6. I love it. The pose is dynamic, the textures on the scales look insane, the armour is beautiful. Wow, gorgeous work

    1. Thank you Suber, I went for the quicker technique on the scales on this one, when I do the big Dragons, I sculpt every scale individually ! LOL

  7. Excellent looking figure and the Egyptian sword is a nice touch!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I'm thinking of trying to paint the sword as Dragon glass to add a more fantasy element to it, but will have to see how that goes ! LOL

  8. Very very nice stuff mate, the Egyptian armour really suits the beastie, especially the breastplate.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, guess I could have gone down the GW route and covered it in skulls, but that wouldn't be me ! LOL

    2. Well there are some spikey bits......runs for cover! 😅

  9. Very nice! I like that Egyptian breastplate. The scales must be really time consuming!

    1. Thank you Brian, there is some beautiful armour throughout history, that lends itself perfectly for a fantasy setting. The small round ones take longer than the diamond shape, but once you get in the swing of it there not too bad.

  10. Another impreesive example of your hreen-stuff skills.

    1. Thank you Joe, was fun to do, even if I changed ideas during the process
