Tuesday 11 April 2023


 I haven't got much painting done recently, between all the sculpting, and painted orders I've been doing, but have managed to finish a Landspeeder Typhon, I have two more to finish the squadron, which are about 50% done, but hopefully can get them finished before too long ! LOL I've done this one as the squadron leader hence the pilots helm being red to denote his sergeant status.

The missile pods are not fitted as GW suggests, as I prefer the look this way round, and I also removed the bumper plates that go around the front, as I think they look sleeker like this. This brings me one step closer to having an entire company of speeders, really need to get the Tornado squadrons done at some point ! LOL That's all for this little post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. That's a pretty cool looking ship! Minus the pilots and the wing emblem on the front, it would be generic enough for just about any game. Not sure if I've actually seen one of these before.

    1. Thank you Brian, the speeders are a cool design, and as you say it would work well for other Sci-Fi without the pilots and imperial eagle. Most people tend to use the basic speeder or the Tornado version, I just happen to like the Typhon as well ! LOL

  2. Nicely done mate, sorry don't really remember where the missile pods should go. Oh and shouldn't there be more skulls? πŸ˜‚


    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, no worries I've built so may over the years that I just know which way GW say they should be fitted, as I have to modify the connection to build my version ! LOL GW's mistake the vehicle itself has no skulls sculpted on it ! ROFL

  3. Another good looking speeder for the fleet! Agree on the missile pods placement - far sleeker then the vertical standard set up.

    1. Thank you Dai, occasionally I have a good idea ! LOL once I finish the two Typhon's I've got six Tornado's to paint up, 5 of which are the original MK 2 so should add some variation.

  4. Oh, this is cool. I love how you repositioned the pods. And there was one thing that I was noting there... but didn't know what it was until I read! Of course, the bumper! It makes it look different! Quite a fine job!

    1. Thank you Suber, the bumpers do add a lot of depth to the model, and give it a clunky look, so removal gives a sleeker look, just a few holes to fill ! LOL moving the pods also means no exposed missiles for a sniper to target ! LOL

  5. Good looking craft and your missing bits don;t effect it all. I like the colour scheme too, a lot different from your others we've seen recently

    1. Thank you Joe, it's always the trick when doing conversions, to not make the model look worse ! LOL It's nice to do this colour scheme every so often, works well as a palette cleanser from the other types ! LOL

  6. I'm a big fan of the speeder model and you've done it proud, Dave. Nice palette, and decidedly lived in. :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, I have quite a variation in styles between the different squadrons, which I like, and stops them from becoming boring to paint as well, the chipping was Iain's idea to add more variety to the colour scheme.

  7. A sleeker speeder has never been seen - great work as usual Dave.

    1. Thank you Justin, when I post up the next one I'll remember to put up a standard one for comparison.

  8. Looks very cool Dave. Good luck with all the other stuff; sculpting and what not. πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you Stewart, hopefully will have a few surprises during Monster May(hem), and can't complain about the increase in business recently.

  9. Here is a conundrum. Why do I like landspeeders in Star Wars but have never fancied GW's versions over the years? I don't have an answer to that one but I will say this is a really sharp looking speeder. Did you use transfers or freehand for the iconography on the speeder? I honestly can't tell which one it is but either way, those look nice as well!

    1. Thank you Jeff, star wars speeders are in a totally different league, so can understand liking one and not the other ! LOL No transfers all painted freehand, which makes the mistakes stand out ! LOL the big star always causes me problems with thickness of the lines.

  10. Good job. I hear that women like men who are consistent so maybe not terrible to do the third one next. πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you Stewart, just need to cast up some more shoulder pads for the crew, so there may be something else inbetween ! LOL

  11. John@justneedsvarnish18 April 2023 at 07:18

    I'm a bit behind at the minute, Dave! The speeder looks very nice! :-) I really like it!

    1. Thank you John, it's so easy to do following so many blogs ! LOL Glad ou like the speeder, as I have many more to come, when I get round to them all ! LOL
