Tuesday 18 April 2023


 Yes I've been finishing more tiny spaceships ! LOL I've now completed most of the Imperial ship I have, first is the oldest ship we've seen the TIE fighter

Then we have the TIE Bomber

The TIE Interceptor

The TIE Defender

And lastly the TIE Phantom, I've tried to show the cloaking device activating on the one on the right, and fully cloaked on the one on the left, I have three more of these to do, and will have another go at this, to see if I can improve the effect.

So That's all the Imperial ships that I currently have finished bar the Phantoms, I will get more but probably no more Defenders or Phantoms, as at the point in time I'm gaming the Defender was being tested and the Phantom hadn't been invented, and neither were in full production. That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Haha, nice title! Love those little ships. Hope to see them next to a Star Destroyer at some point. :D

    1. Thank you Brian, I'd already used itsy bitsy teeny tiny ships, but hoped this one would get a few laughs ! LOL I certainly have a Star Destroyer on my wish list, and the super star destroyer as well ! LOL

  2. Super neat stuff, Dave. I really hope I'll stumble across mine one day, LOL!!! Looking forward to the Super Star Destroyer, and knowing you, there's probably a Death Star build planned at some point... prior to an Endor's Moon and Alderaan. ;-)

    1. Thank you Simon, you'll probably stumble on them when you're looking for something else ! LOL No plans for a Death Star at the moment, as I'm playing the time period before the first one was completed, but I wont say never ! LOL

  3. Haha, you made my day :D
    Gorgeous beauties! I love them all!

    1. Thank you Suber, try to think of witty titles and sometimes I get it right ! LOL They are fairly quick to paint, when in the right mood.

  4. TIE Interceptors were the best looking Imp Fighters (And the most fun to play in X-Wing vs TIE Fighter) in the badguy stable imo. (Only beaten out overall by the A-Wing, my personal fav.)

    Great work mate. I think some more basic TIE's would complete this collection.

    1. Thank you Dai, TIE Interceptors are my favourite Imp ship too, and I can't pick a favourite Rebel ship, as I like them all. Probably going to get many more TIE's, fighter, Interceptor and bombers, the others I wont bother with getting any more.

  5. Nice job. Fleet is taking shape. 😀
    When painting up my Klingons I dabbled with trying to get one like it was in mid cloak but didn’t really like the way it came out.

    1. Thank you Stewart, long way to go yet, but I can now play out a small skirmish of fighters. As I remember when the Birds Of Prey cloak they had a weird shimmer before cloaking which would be very hard to replicate on a solid model, unless you had a misprint model, will try again but these ships are very small, and don't have a lot of surface area to work on.

  6. Excellent looking Imperial fighters!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, they work out effective at this scale, without too much detail painting.

  7. Ooo, love all of these, Dave! TIE Interceptors are absolutely awesome-looking ships, it's like the Empire went to Lamborghini and asked them to design a fighter LOL!

    1. Thank you matt, totally agree on the Interceptors, the coolest Imperial ship so far.

  8. These are great, Dave, where did they come from?
    I have a great little set of rules just crying out for something like this.

    1. Thank you Justin, they are the fighters from Star Wars Armada, in a box you get 24 ships, 6 fighters of four types, you'll probably be looking at the fighter suadron 1 box, as that gives you six TIE Fighters, 6 TIE Bombers, 6TIE Interceptors, and 6 TIE Advanced ( Vaders TIE) the box 2 has the Defender, and Phantom, and also the shuttle and Decimator in it. The bases supplied put 3 ships on each stand, all I've done is put them on individual round bases with a paper clip. I get mine from https://www.darkstargames.co.uk/ great price and service from them.

  9. Those really do look tiny! I'm impressed by how good you're able to get them looking, Dave. Of course, I'm always happy to see some Star Wars as well :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, with their small size, it's a lot of washes some drybrushing, and the occasional detail to pick out manually, so nothing too taxing, and indeed more Star Wars ! LOL

  10. They may be small, but they are all beautifully formed, I can still see the cloked fighter, unless it's the one in the middle. ;-)

    1. Thank you Joe, the only place that is not got the detail moulded on it is the inside of the wings, so need a bit of a steady hand to paint the vanes. Obviously I still need to work on the cloaking ! LOL

  11. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 05:03

    I'm afraid I'm well behind with your posts Dave! These are really nice! :-) I'm not used to seeing you work on such small models - I really like 'em! I think they look better for being on individual bases as well!

    1. Thank you John, and no problem mate, fully understand how life can get in the way. I've worked on many scales over the years, and even sculpted in 6 mm, I do prefer larger scales, as I find I can try more things with the painting, but nice to have a go on something smaller every so often ! LOL
