Thursday 27 April 2023


 When Roger was coming up with his challenge, everybody had to pick four words from his lists, my firstr choice was Alien, part armoured, ranged weapon, mercenary, obviously this is a vague starting point, but I had an idea of an evolved fish type alien, loosely based on a Mudskipper ( a fish that can move over land, holding it's breath) using that as a basis and the four words I chose I came up with this.

It needs two water pockets to fit over it's gills, which I will cast in translucent blue resin, so it doesn't need to hold it's breath. Is it worth putting this into production ? As it's very different from a lot of models and races that other companies make.

If you haven't signed up for Keith's Monster May(hem) the registration is up now.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. It's very cool! The kind of miniature that could spark a whole line of aquatic aliens, or just be a one-off for alien skirmish games like Stargrave or Rogue Stars.

    1. Thank you Keith, Matt's band of misfits he was adventuring with was some of the idea behind it, so the two games you mention it would fit well in with, got an idea for a Cyborg, but could see me doing lots of different pieces as a mercenary group.

    2. Matt's Muppets? Or are we talking about a different Matt?

    3. The very same Brian, just couldn't remember the official name he had for them ! LOL

  2. Excellent looking aquatic ET!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, something a little different.

  3. Angry Piper has the right of it, this beaut' would be perfect for a Stargrave-type game for sure. Love the idea mate.

    1. Thank you Dai, no shortage on ideas, just whether people like them or not ! LOL

  4. Oh, I love it! You are on fire with these designs!

    1. Thank you Suber, a few more kicking around my head space, so may get them done soon, as my head could do with the extra room ! LOL

  5. Opohhh. Nice blend of fishy features and futuristic tech. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, when putting tech on, I try to think of it's purpose, on this one it's mostly for recycling it's water to allow it to breath.

  6. That is some very inspired sculpting, Dave! I can't help but think you've taken some inspiration from Star Wars which is chockful of aquatic inspired alien species. Though truthfully, I can't say I recall seeing one exactly like this. Its a pretty creative idea!

    1. Thank you Jeff, we have some truly strange looking creature in nature, so I often take inspiration from there, Star Wars does indeed have a lot of Aquatic races, but often follow the human form as someone needs to fit in the suit, with a model you don't have that limitation so can push it a lot further if required.

  7. There was an old cartoon strip that ran in the back of Dragon Magazine called "Wormy". I'm pretty sure they had some Mudskipper based creatures, but maybe it was salamanders? Anyways, this reminded me of that (beloved) strip! As others have said, this would be a great mini for various SciFi games!

    1. Thank you Brian, never read Dragon so missed that one completely, but glad I could remind you of the strip. Will probably put him into production after all the feedback.

    2. Looks like Wormy has been collected online, if you want to check it out: It was an interesting comic strip, set in a Fantasy setting that really had nothing to do with D&D. The artist is one of my favorite early D&D artists.

    3. Thanks Brian, I'll check it out.

  8. What a great figure (so far) and consiering it's from your ownimagiation. it worls really well.

    1. Thank you Joe, it was a fun one to come up with, and hopefully got a couple more ideas brewing at the moment.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 05:15

    Now that is clever! :-) Definitely like this one!

    1. Thank you John, really must try some steam punk robots at some point, as I know that's an area you like.

    2. John@justneedsvarnish9 May 2023 at 10:17

      That sounds like a good idea! Most 28mm robots work quite well in 20mm as well!

    3. Plus I've not done much steampunk, so will be good experience to try something new ! LOL

  10. Well, that is certainly a unique looking creature! The elusive "fishman" brought into existence in a futuristic sense! Reminds me of course of old Muddy Mudskipper from R&S! ;)

    1. Thank you Azazael, fun little project, it's always a tricky one, to how much fish reference and how much human you go for, if you take off the arms an legs, the body is in an actual mudskipper pose, so to try to keep as much of the original source in there. That's not one I know of, so will have to go and have a look at that.
