Monday 16 September 2024


 Don't panic I'm not talking about blogging, or even life ( although if the universe would like to stop throwing me curve balls to sort out I wouldn't mind ! LOL), no I mean I needed a break form the cantina, as I didn't want to get to a point where I was just going through the motions, and it wouldn't be up to my normal standard. The first distraction was one I needed to get done before my son went to University, a display base for his Axolotl, now knowing my son wanted to get the other two models in the range I've made it with the space for the next two included.

I've added magnets, and magnetic strips to help hold the models in place, for transporting, below is a picture of the base without the models so it's easier to see all the bits I've added for decoration.

Now the next two models are just because I wanted to, and it's two versions of the Salamander for my Lizardmen army. This first one is the original model that GW released, which I still like, and reminds me of a Dimetrodon, which was always one of my favourite prehistoric creatures. I found the colour scheme from the reference I've included below.

This next one was the second version GW released, I liked it a lot less, but at the time I worked for GW, and if I wanted to use one instore it needed to be the current version, For the colour scheme I went with a water Dragon, also known as a Sailfin lizard.

As GW have now released a third version and is now called the Spawn of Chotek, I'm going to use the first version which is similar, and the second version will be added to my wandering encounter creatures for multiple games (Fantasy and Sci-Fi). Below is what the current version looks like.

If I want to add a second one  to my army, it will work okay with my version 1. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave  

Friday 13 September 2024


 Firstly a huge thank you to all who took part, and to all the people that supported them, I will not be listing the people who didn't actually manage to post up anything, as this challenge is not about naming or shaming, but celebrating what got done. Don't forget to check out their blogs from the links for more pictures and other great postings. Hopefully I haven't missed anyones entry, but if I have please let me know, and I will correct my mistake.













tllw Stewart didn't manage to get his ambitious project finished but still deserves an honourable mention.

even though these people didn't sign up, check out their blogs for their fantastic scenery and vehicles oldschoolworkshop caveadsum1471 28mmvictorianwarfare

As Roger would complain if I didn't include my own, I managed two vehicles, and the main construction of the Mos Eisley cantina.

Thanks again to everyone, and hopefully some of you will take part in Apocalypse Me in October, more on that later in the month, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave