Friday 30 August 2024


 So as August draws to a close, so does another Season of Scenery, and how far did I get with the Cantina, well it's not finished but I have sections complete, so a small win if nothing else. Rather than lots of dribble from me lets have some pictures, first up some overall shots.

As you can see I have the basic painting of the outside done, but it needs the staining and weathering. Lets have some internal shots of the other areas that need the detail work.

How am I supposed to fly with no tools or fuelling station !
Who stole all my stuff !
How about some shots of the cubicles with their patrons.

If you can't hear this picture, you need to watch Star Wars again ! LOL

So basically the bar and cubicles are done, just need the central bar finished with all the pipe work, the outer rooms all need detailing, so quite a big task, the outside needs all the sellers areas and details added, another big task. Still need to add some more details to the roof and paint it, another big job, and then there is the outside basing to be sorted, and some wiring that needs to be finished to light up the tables and cubicles and bar (after seeing Michael's awesome tables, I wanted mine to light up as well), so still a fair amount of work to do. I could wait until next years challenge, but as we all know I'm not a patient man ! LOL The good news is I've almost finished my last of the current commissions and will be sending pictures to them this weekend, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave

Monday 26 August 2024


 I'm now down to finishing one commission, so hope to have something to show with the cantina by the end of the challenge, but I guarantee it will not be fully completed, but if I can complete sections I'll be happy with that. So why the rush on getting my sons D&D figures done, well he's off to university in a couple of weeks and he'd like to take them with him. When he brought them over, we looked at the different colours of Axolotl's and assigned different ones to the different classes of characters that we felt that fit. First up we have a Barbarian, which we went for the most common and natural colour schemes.

Next the Paladin we chose the white version, a lot of people think this is an Albino, which it is not, as there is a Albino version as well which has pink eyes.

The third is a Sorcerer which we went with the golden colour scheme, below the pictures is the reference picture for the above 3.

Next is the Rogue, the black version was the obvious choice for this class to help with stealth.


The Ranger, we chose the mottled skin tone.

Last today is the Warrior, now I'm not sure this is a real colour and could be an AI picture but have included the reference picture for you to decide yourselves.

This last one was the only conversion I did, as the original model had him embedding his sword into the base, which took all the focus off the face, my son wasn't keen on it, so I changed it to a leaping pose, with a pin to support the model hidden by some tall grasses hiding it. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday 22 August 2024


 Another of my children's distractions has been completed, this is from a set of Axolotl in Dungeons and Dragons form, but as this is a Dragon I thought it deserved it's own post, and I'll post up the characters when finished. When my son brought them round we looked at different colours first of Axolotl, for the characters, and for the dragon, I asked if there was a bird he liked as it had feathered wings, I instantly regretted this as he said a Peacock ! LOL so I loosely used it as a basis for the colours on the dragon. He also wasn't impressed with the pyramid used as the base, this was a easy fix, I sculpted it to look like a rock.

Below is pictures of the outer and inner wings, and below that is the reference picture I used.

The wings and body were both given a coat of gemstone paint by GW, to help give a metallic sheen, but as I used proper colours underneath it's not as pronounced as if I'd done a basecoat of silver, but lessons learned and I'm still happy with the result. Hopefully this will also count for Keith's year of the Dragon challenge. Until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Between the large amount of commission work, and my children, if I was a suspicious person, I'd swear someone was trying to sabotage my cantina project ! LOL I love my older children visiting me, and enjoy the time they spend here, but it normally involves them bringing over another distraction project, or two (or three . . .). So what have my children brought this time, well I will reveal them as I go, and today I have two dinosaurs from Jurassic World, they are from the tops of the promo cups on it's cinema release, years ago I painted the one of Blue the Velociraptor, and her work colleagues saw it, and said she should ask me to paint the other two, as they were dire in comparison. First we have old faithful the T-Rex, I've included a reference picture below.

Next we have the Indominus_Rex which was a mix up dinosaur the scientists made to make it more impressive, like living breathing Dinosaurs wouldn't be impressive in their own right ! LOL

These were fun little distractions, and something to quickly fill in gaps of time while waiting for paint, resin or green to dry on the commission work, next time more distractions, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave