Friday 19 July 2024


 I certainly hope they don't with the amount of work I've put in this week ! LOL This week has seen a lot of work on getting the inner walls that are sunken into the base done, I've also been texturing them as I go, so that they will be ready for painting. 

Once I got the two inner sections done, I also added the raised flooring around them, this helped hold the two halves in place, as I wanted them removable after seeing Michael's so that it would make it easier for photography later on, as these pictures below show.

Next I want to get on with the outer structures, like the storage rooms, vehicle port, and Chalmun's quarters as this will give me the overall footprint for the piece, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Looking really good so far! Are the walls made with foamcore board? I like that table you got in there too!

    1. Thank you Brian, yes all foamcore, with some wall filler for texture. I made the tables a while ago, which is where I got the bench seats and stools from as well

  2. Very nice work on the Cantina so far. With a bit of paint applied, you'll really start to see the resemblance. I can almost hear Fig'rin D'an's band now...

    1. Thank you Jeff, bit more construction work before I start painting, so I can do it in one big hit, plus I wouldn't want to get filler on the painted bits ! LOL Who ever said you can't hear pictures ! LOL

  3. Wow Dave, you made short work of those! It already looks recognisable as the cantina and can't wait to see you add all the extras.

    1. Thank you Michael, some bits have gone easily, and other days nothing seemed to go right, but glad it is becoming recognisable already, my plan is to have the main cantina and outside finished first, then if I get the extra areas finished they are a bonus ! LOL

  4. That’s a lot of walls just sprung up out of nowhere. Good start. I also wondered what they were made of but I see the answer above. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, once I had the dimensions laid out it was just like building a jigsaw puzzle, but where there was no pictures on it ! LOL It's the same sort of stuff you've been building your trench boards out of, these just come in 10 mm thick sheets.

  5. Terrific start to your latest project Dave. This is going to be a real tour de force for Star Wars once completed - and added to your already sizeable collection from George's galaxy far far away.

    1. Thank you Simon, been putting off this one for far too long now, and seeing how great Michaels was, and solving several problems that I needed as well, thought it was about time I got it done, will just need the rest of Mos Eisley ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish27 July 2024 at 03:53

    A good start there, Dave! :-) I never find foamcard particularly easy to work with, especially cutting things like semi-circular arches! Nice work!

    1. Thank you John, straight edges and right angles, can be easier with a metal ruler or set square to guide the blade, but when it comes to curves I find you want a long pointed blade, and don't try to cut to deep in one go, lots of shallow cuts works better.
