Friday 26 July 2024


 The last bit of construction within the cantina, was the bar and the walls it attaches to, I've made them removable, so as to make it easier for photography.

As you can see in the picture below, there is an entrance way into the bar, this needs a curtain over it, but haven't decided whether to to do it with cloth and PVA or greenstuff yet, but plenty of time for that. The central counter still needs it's pipes and large containers added, which will need working out.

Sorry it's such a short post today, as you can imagine being away meant I didn't get a lot done, although I did have a funny email this week from Linked In telling me that I had Warner Brothers, Lucasfilm, and Paramount studios look at my profile, no job offers yet, but who knows ! LOL Until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. The cantina is looking great, plus with the removable walls you'll have a much more usable terrain piece.

    1. Thank you SD, I did removable walls on Jabba's throne room for that reason, but looking at Michael's one recently reminded me.

  2. *Chuckles*, I think even for Tom Cruise the Cantina would need to be a little larger for Warner, Lucas, or Paramont to go for it :)

    1. Thank you Els On, indeed, luckily for me, I can work in any scale, from 6mm up to life size ! LOL

  3. Great solution with the bar Dave and really curious as to what Lucasfilm wanted, greatness beckons!

    1. Thank you Michael, does it solve the questions you had for yours ? Unfortunately just because you appear in someone's search, it doesn't mean a massive amount, unless they contact you, just thought it was funny 3 movie companies found me in the same week ! LOL

  4. I'm overwhelmed by your work. It's awesome beyond any measurable ratio. Please keep on!

    1. Thank you Suber, have reached the time consuming stage, details ! So things may start to move a lot slower now

  5. The job offer is coming... How could they not be impressed by this!? One thing that would scare me in building something like this is keeping the scale in-line with the miniatures. I'm sure you've got it covered but it would be so easy to have the rooms be a little too big or small and that would be really hard to fix and irritating, I would imagine!

    1. Thank you Jeff, with my luck, it would probably be a lawsuit ! LOL When building from a plan or from scratch, it's always handy to have relevant pieces to keep placing inside to check they work for the models you're using, so I have a table, bench and a couple of models on standby. You also need to adapt on the fly, from the scaled up plan, the doorways didn't include for base diameter, so I adjusted accordingly.

  6. John@justneedsvarnish27 July 2024 at 04:03

    Nice work on the bar - it's all coming along well! :-) Hopefully they want you to write a decent film script for them!

    1. Thank you John, have passed the quick work now, so each post might not look as impressive ! I could give them plenty of ideas, just don'[t ask me to write ! LOL

    2. I mean... you couldn't do a *worse* job than what Star Wars/Lucasfilm has been doing lately!

    3. To me my writing feels like the ordering machine in " Dude where's my Car !" with constant And Then... And Then... ! LOL

  7. That bar is pretty difficult to recreate with the 'floating' rim above. The lack of supports would drive me nuts! But it's looking great and will be interesting to see how the pipes and bottles look. Sounds like your LinkedIn account is getting some serious attention! Hopefully you have your blog link in there! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, the floating rim is braced all the way through, and into the wall with cocktail sticks so as not to droop over time, or me being clumsy ! LOL Hopefully I can get onto the pipes and bits later this week. Checked my profile, and it was missing soo much, have updated it though ! LOL

  8. People still have Linked in?
    Great progress and very imaginative as well. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, apparently so on the Linked In, most of the time I get people trying to sell me there casting services on it, and can't understand how I can do it cheaper doing it myself ! LOL

  9. That bar area really looks awesome! It looks a bit small in pictures because my brain keeps assigning the walls the thickness of the foam core I have here but thinking about figures for scale it must be HUGE!

    1. Thank you Azazael, should certainly be able to get a few figures around it to make it look crowded, I've been using 10 mm Foamcore just to make sure it has enough support strength on the construction, as it needs to be sturdy enough to hold up a roof as well.

    2. Yep, that's pretty quick compared to the stuff I'm thinking of, but my brain still auto-scales it to the stuff I'm so used to. New post fixes that a little at least - if not my brain!

    3. Glad the pictures helped, will endeavour to keep adding in models as I go for you, as to brain fixing, mine's never been right ! LOL

  10. Your attention to detail should easily pay off Dave. Good call on making the bar detachable. As you say it should make taking some of your awesome-looking photos a lot easier.

    1. Thank you Simon, there is a lot of little details to go yet, and as for the the pictures I'll try my best ( which isn't great ! LOL)
