Monday 15 July 2024


 So what am I doing next for Season of Scenery ? My initial plan was to either do the kitchen for Jabba's Palace, the droid torture area, or scratch build a Jawa Sandcrawler, that was until I saw the awesome cantina that James and Michael built cantina-build and Michaels atmospheric shots cantina and I really wanted my own one, especially as I've only got three named characters left to do for it's denizens and a couple of unnamed ones, and looking at Michael's one it solved a couple of problems that had been stumping me. So where to start, first we need some plans, I found a great cutout picture that showed a lot of details.

I also needed a floor plan, and remembered I had one on the Yodapedia download I had.

So first thing was to scale this up onto a base board.

The first thing I realised after placing some tables, and benches in, was the private cubicles were too deep, and the area between the bar and the cubicles too small to allow people at the bar, and the tables that should be against the walls, so as I construct the walls I shall move them slightly to create the right space in both. I've also got to add a second layer of board in the outside areas, so it becomes the same depth as my gaming boards 20 mm , this will also allow me to have steps down into the cantina from the entrance way.

So who else is taking part in this years challenge, well here's the list so far :


tllw Stewart has made a great start on his trench boards for his Quar games


262krieg DAM has already completed 4 Adeptus Titanicus buildings, with many more on the way

spacedinosaurminis SD has already completed some awesome Star Wars Armada ships, and naval ships

justneedsvarnish John has already finished his first 20 mm Italian building






imperialrebelork Luke has already finished 3 Russian vehicles



There is still plenty of time to participate, as I have seen many models that would qualify on the following blogs oldschoolworkshop caveadsum1471 28mmvictorianwarfare gurupig remember you only need to finish one vehicle or piece of scenery, in any scale to participate, and you have until the end of August.

That's all for this post, hopefully next time there will be a bit more three dimensional work to be seen, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Amazing! Can't wait to see your version Dave, especially looking forward to how you do the bar itself as this is an area that I fudged.

    1. Thank you Michael, hoped you were okay with me doing one, and don't worry I'm already looking at version two of the bar, as the one I started a while ago, is way to big ! LOL

  2. Looks like a very big but very cool project. good luck. 😁
    I doubt I'm actually gonna finish my terrain stuff before the deadline but one neer knows. I can be an honorable mention if anything.

    1. Thank you Stewart, it's starting to take shape at the moment, and hopefully I can get it done by the deadline date ! LOL
      I'm sure it will be pretty close, before you know it, as these early stages can seem to take so long, and I recall you saying similar last year, but finished your ACW board ! LOL

  3. Checked out the 28mmV site, and that is really nice! Looking forward to seeing what you do. Those are some great reference pics you found. Even one with a seating chart! You are truly the Star Wars guru...speaking of which, I just watched (or re-watched) Beverly Hills Cop III and George Lucas had a cameo on there, haha!

    1. Thank you Brian, hopefully it won't disappoint, as the one James and Michael did was excellent, so lots to live up to ! LOL The reference pictures are very useful starting point, although the seating chart are missing a few, so hopefully I can top it. It's amazing how many directors crop up in films and series, like the Mandalorian has virtually all the directors crop up at one point or another within the show ! LOL

    2. Did Lucas appear in the Mandalorian too? I don't remember seeing him.

    3. If he did he was probably hidden behind a helmet like Jon ! LOL

    4. Oh man, I didn't realize Favreau was that big Mandalorian!

    5. He is indeed, and Dave Filoni, and several of the guest directors have been Rebel pilots, so they all get an appearance ! LOL

  4. John@justneedsvarnish17 July 2024 at 09:28

    That's a good start on quite an ambitious project, Dave! :-) I'll definitely enjoy following this, even though I'm usually a few posts behind! Work still continues on my Italian buildings, even if it is at a leisurely pace!

    1. Thank you John, hoping I haven't bitten off more than I can chew, but if it does look like that I can always break it down into sections to finish ! LOL Hopefully the next time you stop by, there should be a lot more to see. Joy of this challenge it's designed for everyone to work at their own pace.

  5. This looks like an excellent plan and I have confidence that you'll be able to deliver results with this one! I have a piece of terrain done but I never showed it off except in the battle report I did a couple of weeks ago. I guess I should show that off in the future to make it easy for you. Unfortunately, the bigger piece of terrain I'm working on is almost definitely not going to get done on time so my contribution is going to look pretty meager, I'm afraid.

    1. Thank you Jeff, if Ben's house and Jabba's throne room ticked the boxes, then hopefully this one will to.
      Some detailed shots of the scenery piece, will make it stand out more, shame on the big terrain piece, but it's the taking part that counts mate, 1 or 20 pieces they all count.

  6. Well by now I know how well this project is going - my main question is where will you manage to store it? :o

    1. Thank you Azazael, that was my wife's first question as well, haven't given her an answer yet, so we need to keep that on the down low at the moment ! LOL
